Green sauce

We suggest you prepare for your favorite dishes an incomparable green sauce, which contains only useful ingredients.

Recipe for Frankfurt green sauce for meat



We carefully mash the yolks with a fork. Further to them we add refined oil, wine vinegar and we introduce ready-made mustard. Add in equal proportions sugar, black pepper and kitchen salt, and then the whole mixture, mix it well with a spoon.

All the variety of greenery is placed in a small bowl of the blender and turned into a green slurry. We move it into a deep bowl with sour cream and mix everything until smooth. Now we move to this bowl a mixture of yolks, then we introduce the crushed egg whites and combine all the mixing.

Recipe for green pesto sauce



We take a mortar and directly into it we press through a press of a teeth of young garlic.

All the available greens finely chop a sharp knife and send after garlic. Here we wipe a piece of cheese through a small grater, take a pestle and rub the ingredients with rhythmic movements. When the green leaves enough juice and the mass becomes more uniform, without ceasing the process of grinding, we pour olive oil, fresh lemon juice and a pinch of fine salt. We bring the sauce to a smooth state and set it aside for half an hour to insist.

Now your dishes of meat or fish with pesto sauce will acquire an extraordinary sophistication.

Green sauce made from hot green pepper



In the bowl of the blender we place the washed, necessarily dried and chopped greens. Green peppers are neatly cleaned and also placed in a bowl. After him we spread the teeth of purified garlic and grind everything. Sour cream is mixed with liquid honey and lemon juice. We move everything into a green slurry in a blender and beat the sauce for 1 minute.