Physiognomy - nose

According to physiognomists, the character of a person can be determined by the features of his face. The nose is the central part of our face. He can tell interesting things about his possessor. We gave the main signs of people with a certain form of nose.

Physiognomy of the nose

  1. If a person has a straight nose , this indicates honesty, rationality, calm and even character.
  2. A thin nose indicates the pride and arrogance of his master. People with a thin nose are pretty selfish, so they often live alone.
  3. Physiognomy asserts that the eagle nose speaks about practicality, cunning, business acumen and increased sexuality of a person. People with a hump on the nose often achieve great success in their careers.
  4. A short nose indicates cheerfulness, optimism and activity, but does not promise much success in business and relationships.
  5. People with a long nose are far-sighted, perceptive and conservative. Many thinkers can notice just such a form of nose.
  6. Physiognomy of the person says that the snub nose conveys optimists, sociable and simple people. With such very easy to develop communication and relationships.
  7. But the data physiognomy of the round tip of the nose indicate the kindness and softness of the heart of the individual. Moreover, the snub nose with this tip is the first on the successes in the career.

Physiognomy: types of nostrils

  1. Oval nostrils have people who adore adventures and adventures. They are constantly engaged in some kind of activity, they plan to conquer new peaks and immediately do it.
  2. Square nostrils indicate the iron health of its owner, as well as determination and reliability. Such people always bring the business to the end.
  3. Triangular nostrils indicate stinginess and caution. For such people is very important prosperity and carelessness. These values ​​they put on the first place.
  4. People with round nostrils are rational and inventive. They can quickly solve problems and even benefit from them.
  5. Too wide nostrils are complex. It is very difficult for such people to develop their willpower, they often persist in trifles.
  6. People with pronounced nostrils have a harmful character and often spoil the mood to themselves and others.

So, having familiarized with the above-stated information, you can understand better the interlocutor, first of all, having paid attention to the form of its nose and nostrils.