Folic acid for hair

The lack of any vitamin in the human body always affects its condition. First of all, it manifests itself in appearance (hair falls out, nails wax, the skin becomes drier, etc.). And if you do not pay attention to it in time, then later more serious symptoms may start to appear.

One of the necessary vitamins is vitamin B9 or folic acid.

What is folic acid for?

This vitamin is responsible for creating new healthy cells in the body and for maintaining existing ones. Lack of folic acid over time can lead to the appearance of anemia , contribute to a decrease in immune defense and the emergence of cancer cells. Immediately under attack with a deficiency of vitamin B9 is the bone marrow, which is the producer of new cells. Also, if your body lacks folic acid, it can eventually cause problems with the reproductive system.

Vitamin B9 and hair

B vitamins are also responsible for female beauty. With a deficiency of this or that vitamin of this group, various cosmetic problems can arise. Lowering the level of folic acid in the female body can lead to hair loss. So if your locks have thinned out, take tests for the vitamins of this group.

Food and folic acid

The use of foods rich in folic acid will be useful not only for hair growth, but for the whole body. It:

How to take Vitamin B9?

It should be noted that vitamin B9, unfortunately, is prone to decay during long-term storage and heat treatment, so folic acid is best taken from a hair loss in a dosage form. It is recommended to take 3 tablets 3 times a day for 14 days. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course again. Folic acid is taken strictly after meals and preferably at the same time. During the intake of this vitamin it is desirable to completely eliminate alcohol.

It's also a good idea to include folic acid in hair growth masks . To do this, you should buy a vitamin in liquid form (in ampoules). Adding one ampoule to the shampoo, balm or mask will greatly improve the quality of the hair.