The birthmark hurts

Practically every person has a birthmark on his body. Most of them do not pose any health hazard and do not cause much concern. But sometimes such skin formations can itch, hurt or swell.

Why does it hurt a mole?

If the birthmark hurts, a lot of people start to worry greatly, because this can indicate the development of cancer. But prematurely it is not necessary to experience, since the occurrence of pain in the area of ​​the nevus can be caused:

Often the mole hurts when pressed during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the woman dramatically changes the hormonal background, and the formation because of this too quickly increase in size.

It is not uncommon for the reason that the mole begins to hurt when touched is its degeneration into a malignant melanoma . This is a serious disease, but with timely treatment it has a favorable outcome. The nevus degeneration into a malignant form is indicated not only by pain, but also by the presence of a halo or rim near the mole and the isolation of any liquids from it.

How to eliminate pain?

If you severely injured the nevus and it completely broke away from the skin:

  1. Treat the formed wound with any antiseptic and cover it with a sterile dressing.
  2. Drop the mole into a physiological solution.
  3. On the same day, you need to see a doctor to conduct her research.

Have you had a partial detachment of the birthmark on your back or other part of your body and it hurts after that? It is necessary to completely remove the neoplasm, since with such trauma, the probability of complications is high. Do this only a dermatologist or dermatooncologist.

At occurrence of any other unpleasant sensations (an itch, a burning sensation) or a tumescence near a nevus, also it is necessary to address to the doctor. Only an expert will correctly determine why the mole hurts and whether it is necessary to remove the tumor with a surgical or laser method. It is possible to assess the danger of clinical manifestations even by external signs.

Do not know what to do if the birthmark hurts after a long tan , and there is no way to consult a doctor? Do not worry. If there are no obvious signs that evidence of a degeneration, you can do without a visit to a dermatologist. It will be enough to treat the nevus with an antiseptic and Panthenol.