Slim dough for pizza

Pizza is a traditional Italian dish, which has become popular with many people of our country. It can be ordered by phone directly to the house, but, believe me, it will be much more delicious if you cook it yourself at home. The most important thing is to mix the foundation correctly. And today we will share with you the secrets of how to make a very delicate dough for real pizza.

Thin yeast dough for pizza



So, we pour filtered water into a faceted glass, warm it in a microwave oven to a warm state and pour gradually dry fast-acting yeast and throw a pinch of sugar. All carefully mix the spoon until all the crystals have dissolved. Leave the resulting liquid for 10 minutes at room temperature, and then add melted and cooled butter. Pour the contents into a small saucepan, mix and throw a fine salt. Egg is broken separately into a plate and beat it for several minutes with a mixer until foam is obtained. After that, we pour the egg mixture into a saucepan with the dough and gradually introduce the sifted flour. We carefully mix the mass, cover it with a damp clean cloth and remove it into the heat so that it rises. After 30 minutes we knead it with our hands, spread it on the table, sprinkle it with flour, roll it into a thin layer and proceed to preparing the pizza toppings .

Thin and soft dough for pizza without yeast



To make a thin dough, we sift the flour into a bowl with a slide, add salt and in the center form a small groove. Eggs break into a separate plate, lightly beaten whisk and pour in warm milk. Then we introduce olive oil and in small portions we introduce this mixture into flour, stirring constantly. When all the liquid is absorbed into the flour, we begin to knead the homogeneous dough with our hands. We knead it for about 10 minutes until it becomes soft and plastic. After that, we roll it into a ball, wrap it in a damp towel and put it aside for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we unfold the dough, roll it out with a rolling pin and move on to cooking homemade pizza.

Thin dough for pizza on kefir



To prepare a delicious thin dough for pizza, take the eggs first, break them into a bowl and whisk them well with a whisk or a mixer, until foam is obtained. Then gradually pour the sugar, throw the fine salt and whisk again. Next, gently pour a thin trickle of warm kefir. Separately, in the table vinegar, we quench baking soda, and then introduce it to the rest of the ingredients and again mix everything. In order to make the homemade pizza incredibly tender and airy, the flour must be sieved several times through a fine strainer, and then poured into the dough in small portions. Now gently knead everything until the mass gets a uniform consistency. Cover the top with a towel and remove the minutes for 15 in a warm place. As a result, we should get a soft and quite plastic dough. After that, we spread it on the table, roll it out into a thin layer, pour it in with flour and proceed to the further preparation of the pizza.