Hepatic colic

Due to the violation of the outflow of bile or blockage of the bile duct, cholecystitis, periodically there is hepatic colic. It can lead to the movement of stones and sand, which is fraught with serious complications, intoxication of the body and pain shock. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately stop the attack and prevent its occurrence in the future.

Hepatic colic causes

Because of obstacles in the way of bile (stones, sand, narrowing of the bile duct), fluid stagnates in one area, which provokes strong stretching of tissues and pain syndrome. As a rule, it causes spasms of smooth muscles of the gallbladder, its irritation. The causes of colic are usually:

Acute hepatic colic - symptoms

Primary symptoms may appear for a day or several days:

Directly attack of hepatic colic has such clinical manifestations:

Hepatic colic suggests treatment urgently, as the above symptoms can last more than 24 hours and lead to pain shock, poisoning of the body, damage to neighboring digestive organs and hematopoiesis, and dehydration.

Hepatic colic - first aid

First of all, you can not do the following:

  1. Apply the heating pad to the right side.
  2. Move, touch, press on the painful area.
  3. Take food or drink any drinks other than water.

This can only aggravate the condition and increase the secretion of bile.

Pre-emergency emergency care for hepatic colic:

  1. Provide the body with peace, taking a horizontal position, it is best to lie on your right side.
  2. Take any antispasmodic drug, for example, No-Shpu, Promedol, Papaverin, Atropine, Pantopone. It should be noted that preoral treatment may not be effective enough, therefore, in hepatic colic, it is desirable to make an intravenous injection of one of these drugs.
  3. Call a professional medical team.
  4. Soothe the nervous system with respiratory gymnastics.

Further measures to eliminate the condition under consideration are developed in the conditions of the inpatient clinic by the attending physician (gastroenterologist). To stop the intense pain syndrome, novocaine blockades are usually used, after which the laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces of the patient are thoroughly examined. Additional information can be obtained using ultrasound diagnostics.