Broken hair - what to do at home?

Appearance and quality of strands reflects the health of internal organs, endocrine, vascular and digestive system. If the curls are dull and brittle, all factors that cause fragility of the hair should be identified. In medicine, this phenomenon is called trichoclasia, it is studied in detail and treated by trichologists.

Broken Hair - Causes

This pathology can be congenital, but this form of the disease is very rare. The most common and non-dangerous factors explaining why the hair is dry and brittle:

Broken hair can be a symptom of serious illnesses:

Very dry and brittle hair - what to do?

Cope with trichoclasia, not knowing the true reasons for its progression, it is impossible, therefore it is important to visit the trichologist and pass the recommended tests. By results of researches it becomes clear how to treat brittle hair - what to do with factors provoking fragility of ringlets, and manifestations of detected diseases. If dangerous illnesses of internal organs are revealed, the doctor will give a referral to the appropriate specialist. If there are errors in the care of strands, the doctor will advise complex therapy.

Hair dry and brittle - what to do:

  1. Take vitamins and minerals, biologically active supplements.
  2. Observe a diet rich in fatty polyunsaturated acids and easily digestible protein.
  3. Correctly to look after locks.
  4. Limit or completely eliminate chemical perm, hot styling, staining and other aggressive effects on the hair.
  5. To pick up qualitative medical cosmetics.

Care for fragile hair

The main principle of therapy of the described problem is to minimize the number of damaging factors and to ensure rest to the scalp. Do not additionally injure dry brittle hair - treatment involves following such rules:

  1. Do not comb immediately after washing the strands. It is necessary to wait until they completely dry naturally.
  2. Exclude the use of a hairdryer, curling iron and ironing.
  3. Refuse the use of varnishes, foams, mousses and other fixing agents.
  4. Do not wash thin brittle hair every day, try to do it less often.
  5. Buy special hygienic cosmetics.
  6. If there is a need for coloring, prefer compositions without ammonia or natural pigments ( henna, basma ).

Shampoo for brittle hair

To save on such products does not follow, trichologists recommend using special medicines from pharmacological manufacturers or professional cosmetic brands. Shampoo for dry and brittle hair can be selected among the following items:

These products saturate fragile hair with moisture and provide them with a soft but thorough cleansing. These shampoos do not contain silicones, aggressive preservatives and parabens. They contain natural plant extracts and nutritive oils, vitamins and microelements that strengthen the structure of the curls and prevent their damage.

Balm for brittle and split ends

After washing, you must additionally protect and moisten the strands. To do this, any types of therapeutic balms. You can buy a product from the same series as shampoo, or find another similar product. Experts advise treating dry brittle hair with the following balms:

These cosmetic products help to better absorb fragile hair and restore their core structure. Vitamin and mineral complexes, other nutritional components, which are part of therapeutic balms, help to reduce the fragility and dullness of the strands, increase their elasticity, and intensify the production of collagen fibers.

Broken hair - treatment at home

In addition to professional and pharmacy products, you can use natural remedies that are easy to prepare yourself. They will additionally saturate brittle hair with vitamins - the treatment will be more effective and the hair will quickly recover. To cope with dryness, it is recommended to use home masks and vegetable oils that have not been refined. They reduce the fragility of brittle hair and improve their flexibility. Strands become elastic and resilient, they remain resistant to damaging factors.

Masks for dry and brittle hair

There are many recipes for the preparation of the described cosmetics. It should include moisturizing and nutritional components without drying properties. The most simple mask for brittle hair is gelatinous. The food product must be dissolved in water, as indicated in the instructions to it, and applied to damp curls. Half an hour later the product is washed off with warm water.

Caring mask for brittle hair at home


Preparation, use

Mash the ingredients and mix them with each other. Cover the entire surface of the hair with a banana-curd mass, massage the strands with palms. Collect the curls on the vertex, wrap them with a thin cosmetic plastic wrap. Insulate the head with a kerchief or a thick towel. Warm up the hood with hot air from the dryer. After a quarter of an hour, wash the strands well.

Oils for dry and brittle hair

Vegetable fats contain a lot of vitamins and unsaturated acids, allowing to give the locks elasticity and shine. They can be used separately or included in home masks for brittle hair, the result will be good in both cases. It is advisable to use these products regularly, because they are characterized by a cumulative effect. Trichologists are advised to treat very brittle hair with the following oils:

These products can be combined with essential oils: