Fortune telling "Pythagoras Square"

The basis of fortune telling with the help of Pythagoras Square is the date of birth of a person and is based on the idea of ​​reincarnation. With the help of not cunning manipulations with the dates of birth, you can determine how the soul lives its regular life (according to the philosophical system of Pythagoras all lives of the soul 15) and the character of the person.

How to guess?

On the example of the date of March 18, 1976, we will compile a table.

The first thing you need is to write down all the numbers in a row.


Next, we sum all the numbers: 1 + 8 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 35 and sum up what happened 3 + 5 = 8

We add two numbers to the already available ones:


35 8

Then from the first number in the bottom row, subtract the first digit of the upper row, multiplied by two: 35- (1x2) = 35-2 = 33

Now, we summarize the result: 3 + 3 = 6 and add the numbers to our lower row:


35 8 33 6

The last thing we do is remove the zeros:


35 8 33 6

The first thing we learn is the number of lives of the souls of a person born on March 18, 1976. This is done by summing the numbers of the lower row: 3 + 5 + 8 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10. So, a man born on this day lives his 11th life and has 4 more attempts to correct his future destiny.

Next, we need a 3x3 square, in which we write out all the figures, as shown in the picture:

Identification of character

1. The owner of it - a refined egoist. He does not pay attention to others and seeks to benefit from all situations only for himself. He is not much interested in other people and what they are living. The main thing is that he lives and must live alone.

11. A character very close to selfish. Forever seeking the approval of others, even if for this there are no prerequisites. He likes to praise himself. It seems to be the most intelligent and talented and surprised that others do not notice it.

111. The Golden Mean. The character is calm, easy-going. A person who is sociable, does not like to obey, but also does not strive for leadership. If you talk with such a person heart to heart, you can always find a compromise.

1111. A man of strong character, strong-willed. He does not tolerate lies and sycophancy, but sometimes he can do it for the sake of close people. Men with such a character choose the role of professional military, women usually hold power in the hands of the family.

11111. Dictator and tyranny. For the sake of one's idea or a whim, millions of human lives can be blown into the wind. To achieve the goal goes, as they say, "by the corpses." If there is not enough data for more, becomes a tyrant in the family, a hermit, otherwise gets a mental breakdown. Persevering in intent, in revenge, adapts well. Almost always has some kind of mania. Experiencing attachment to children (her).

111111. A rare combination. A person is extremely cruel, but for close ones or "for the sake of humanity" is capable of doing the impossible. A man of one fanatical idea and very difficult to communicate.

Determination of bioenergy

There are no twos. Bioenergy at the lowest level; A channel has been opened for its intensive recruitment. These people like antiques, old books, they are good to others, trying to feed on them; educated and noble. Exceptions to the opposite plan are rare.

2. Ordinary people in bioenergetics. They avoid stressful situations, strong emotions. For them, physical education and sports are just necessary, and even better is yoga. Sensitive to changes in the atmosphere.

22. Relatively large reserve of bioenergy. People who can become good doctors, nurses, nurses. Their vocation is medicine. In their families, nerve stress is rare.

222. Sign of the psychic. Perhaps he himself does not suspect such abilities, but he heals his biofield, even by his presence. Such people for many years are waiting for a push in order to reveal their abilities.

2222. If there is a woman in whom everyone is in love, or an irresistible man, this is explained by the fact that they have an abundance of bioenergy, which they are ready to share with all. Unfortunately, these people are very vulnerable to evil, energetically hungry types with "satanic capabilities."

Definition of the internal warehouse of a person

There are no triplets. Clean and decent people, excellent owners, but somewhat intrusive in their constant striving for purity. Very punctual, like to look in the mirror, explained in florid. Hard work is done impeccably.

3. People are in a mood. They do not like to save, broad natures, often contradictory. The house is messy, but sometimes everything is suddenly and suddenly brought to a perfect state.

33. People prone to science. Have a certain analytical mind.

333 and more. Propensity to science. The realization of this propensity generates pedantry, detachment, stinginess, and finally, a constant need for justice.

Definition of health

There are no fours. Health is very weak, a person from childhood is prone to various diseases. Such a person will be sick the longer, the more in his mathematical prediction of deuces, because he gives his energy to the world.

4. Health is average, it needs to be tempered, otherwise to old age a person will turn into a ruin. The main sports are swimming and running.

44. Health is strong. Such people do not advertise their sexual potency, but they can be symbols of sexual attractiveness.

444. People with very strong health, very rare. The sexual temperament of such people is incredibly attractive.

Definition of intuition

There are no fives. The communication channel with the thin world, with the Cosmos, is closed at birth. Such a person is busy with calculations, experiments and proofs, intense thoughts. These people make so many mistakes.

5. The communication channel is open. The number of errors of such people is reduced, life situations are under control to extract the maximum benefit from them.

55. Strongly developed intuition. Presence of "prophetic dreams", premonitions of events. Revelations in the presence of a single detail. The ability to anticipate the past is the same as the future. The need for legal and investigative work.

555. Almost clairvoyant. Without any knowledge and tips, such people know how to act themselves and their environment. In some cases, accurately predict future events, but can not specify how to avoid trouble.

5555. Clairvoyants. They clearly and indifferently everything that happens around. They often stay out of time and space, as if incorporating themselves into some other system of existence.

Determination of the degree of earthiness

Sixes there. This man came to earth to acquire a trade. To develop and move up the ladder of life, he needs physical labor, which he does not like. Imagination, fantasy, artistic taste are the main engines of its development. However, despite distracting needs, it is capable of serious deeds.

6. Grounded man, but capable of spiritual qualities for humane deeds. Can stumble in creative or exact sciences, but to prolong its existence, physical labor is indispensable. There are often enough manifestations in artistic areas.

66. A grounded man. Aspires to physical labor, which hinders its development. Mental activity and engaging in art is the only thing that can raise such people.

666. The sign of Satan, an ominous sign. Temperamental people, striving at the expense of their charm to be always at the center of society. A man is unreliable, searching, often changing casual partners.

6666. A person who has experienced in previous incarnations maliciousness, grounding and trying to drive it out through work, mental activity, cultivating.

The definition of a measure of talent

There are no sevens. A man born to understand what talent is. His life experiences and actions help to acquire talent, and suffering and religion pushed him to understand. The main thing is to catch the moment when talent will be sent from above.

7. Such people live easily, but luck comes to them as a result of creative work. Talent is not expressed clearly.

77. A gifted man with a subtle artistic, musical taste and a penchant for painting. The egoistic principle in his work has both bad and good sides. He is lucky in gambling and forgetful in virtue.

777. A special sign of people who briefly visit the earth. If they stay on this way, serious illnesses await them. Sensitivity kills them themselves because of a heightened sense of justice.

7777. The sign of the angel. People who constantly care about others, but, as a rule, do not live to old age.

Determining the sense of duty

Eight do not. A person who completely lacks a sense of duty. If, say, he takes a loan, he does not hurry to give and passes all the terms of the calculation.

8. These people are endowed with a sense of duty and are extremely conscientious.

88. Developed sense of duty. Amazing willingness to help one's neighbor. This man is a fine family man, but dependent on dishonest people.

888. A sign of duty to the people, who brought up its owner. The symbol of the chosen people leading the nations. People who achieve outstanding results.

8888. The sign bears parapsychological abilities and immense susceptibility to exact sciences. An amazing sign of people walking in supernatural ways.

Definition of intelligence

9. The most mysterious sign. To comprehend it, one must work all his life.

99. Clever from birth. They do not like to learn, because they are accustomed to easily gain knowledge. The main obstacle in this is the feeling of irony. Independence.

999. Very clever people. Cognition does not present any difficulties for them. Beautiful interlocutors.

9999. People who discover the truth. If at the same time they have developed intuition, then there is a complete guarantee against failure in any undertaking. These people are quite unpleasant, rude, unmerciful and cruel. They are difficult, at times impossible to make adequate in society.