How to hold a wedding in a narrow circle?

It is necessary to admit that many bride and groom do not have the opportunity to celebrate their wedding celebration with a grand scale - a hundred or more guests, a hall in a restaurant, a limousine and a holiday for two days. However, this day in any case should be remembered for a long time. In this case, an excellent way will be a properly organized wedding in a narrow circle. To celebrate the wedding day is fun and interesting, it is not necessary to invite famous musicians and rent an entire restaurant - it is much more important to be able to properly allocate a modest budget , intended for a small wedding. About how to celebrate a wedding in a narrow circle, we will talk about this material.

Premises for celebrations

If the number of guests is minimal, you can celebrate the celebration in the apartment, covering the traditional festive table in the living room. If the parents of the groom or the bride have a nice country house, and the weather is excellent, it is quite acceptable to celebrate a wedding in the courtyard, in the open air. The wedding in a narrow family circle, which is celebrated at the dacha, can be in the American style (with barbecue, fried sausages and grilled vegetables ), or in the traditional, with shashlik.

The apartment or yard should be appropriately decorated - independently hang helium bright balls, arrange bouquets of flowers with ribbons. On the wall, opposite the place where the bride and groom will be sitting, it is appropriate to hang a composition of large rings, flowers and ribbons.

Guests and entertainment program of the wedding

Guests at such a wedding will be parents, the closest relatives and friends of the bride and groom. To the whole company did not miss, it is necessary to decide in advance how to entertain guests. It is not necessary to hire a toastmaster - tell a few interesting toasts and funny jokes on the "wedding" theme, to conduct a series of fun games, organize the "abduction" of the bride can be the most active of the guests. Each pair certainly has a friend, an experienced man and with the makings of a toastmaster, who will tell you how to celebrate a wedding in a narrow circle of interest.

Solving the problem with musicians is also easy - there are many novice rock, pop bands who will work with pleasure at the celebration, for a very modest fee.

A wedding in a narrow family circle has a special charm - in a chamber setting, among the most expensive people, newlyweds can simply relax and get maximum pleasure from the celebration.