Fortune-telling on candles

For a long time people use candles for various magical rites and for fortune telling. The whole point is that it is believed that fire is a kind of conductor between the worlds. To date, a lot of fortune-telling is known, which helps to look into the future, to find out whether the desire or not will come true and much more.

Fortune-telling on a mirror and candles

This method of predictions has Greek roots. To get the most truthful result, it is necessary to conduct fortune telling in silence and alone. It is not recommended to talk during the ritual. Take an oval-shaped mirror and put it in front of you. At the front, place the candle and light it. On the sheet of paper write the name of the chosen one and set it on fire. In the mirror, you need to observe how the paper will burn, which will allow you to decipher the fortune-telling of candles:

  1. In the event that the paper caught fire very quickly and burnt in a matter of seconds, it means that the relationship can be called passionate, but they will be short-lived.
  2. If the paper burns slowly - this is a good sign, indicating that the relationship will be long and happy.

Guessing on a Candle and Water

This fortune telling is very ancient and popular. It is believed that it gives a truly truthful result, since in the ritual two elements of fire and water are combined. Thanks to this fortune-telling you will be able to find out how long love relations will last. Take a plate, pour a little water and put it on the table, and next light the candle. While the wax melts a little, it is necessary to look at the flame and think about the lover. The next step is to take the candle in hand, close your eyes and several times, drip the wax from the candle. Pushing fortune-telling on love by the way wax froze:

  1. If the formed figures have the same shape and size, then there really are sincere feelings between people that will allow them to build lasting and strong relationships.
  2. If a lot of small drops formed floating next to each other is a sign indicating that there is a kind of affection for each other between people.
  3. If one big drop is formed, and its shape is vague, then the object of adoration does not really feel any warm feelings. Do not worry, because for a long time alone you will not have to sit.

Divination by the flame of a candle

Thanks to this fortune-telling you can get an answer to the interesting question and find out useful information. The only thing that will be used is a candle. Sit down at the table and light it in front of you. Looking at the flame, ask the question of interest, and then, watch how the flame behaves.

Interpretation of divination:

  1. A high and bright flame indicates that in the future everything will be fine and you can not be afraid of serious problems. In addition, this sign can be perceived as a positive response to a given question.
  2. The flickering flame, which then increases, then decreases, is a warning that soon you will face the danger, so you need to be alert.
  3. If the candle is burning slowly and the flame is low, then the conceived will come true, but it will not happen soon.
  4. The flame rising in a spiral indicates that there is a person near by, who can betray at any time.
  5. From a flame sparks separate is a bad sign which warns of occurrence of serious problems.
  6. The flame suddenly went out, which means that the answer to the question is negative. Still it can be perceived as a warning about some losses.
  7. If soot is allocated - this is an indication of the emergence of a complex situation that will bring a lot of trouble.