10 diseases that can not be treated

In fact, there are such diseases that absolutely do not need treatment. To get rid of them, you just need to wait and wait.

Treated, treated and treated again! Is the home first-aid set crowded with tablets, drops and ointments? But you can recover without drugs and consequences, if, of course, everything is in order with immunity.

1. Runny nose

If the runny nose is not accompanied by other symptoms, then it does not need treatment, and to facilitate breathing with congestion, several times a day to drip vasoconstrictive drops. There is even a good saying on this score: "If you cure a cold, then it will be a week, and if not treated - in 7 days."

2. Stomatitis

Stomatitis is a very unpleasant disease, which manifests itself in the form of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth and brings painful sensations. However, in most cases, stomatitis passes on its own for 7-10 days and does not require treatment. Doctors also most often do not apply any specific treatment to this disease, but recommend simply rinse the mouth with an antiseptic solution and carefully observe personal hygiene. And if the pain feels too much, then you can use ointments with an analgesic, for example, Kamistad.

3. Sweatshop

Most often this problem is faced by infants due to the fact that caring parents too wrap up their child, and the delicate skin of the child sweats and preet. But there is sweating in adults, especially in the summer and those who are overweight. However, to get rid of the perspiration, if it is not complicated by the infection, you do not need any medications. It is enough to provide air access to the body and to observe hygiene, and these chalk rashes will pass by themselves. You can use baby powders, talc or potato starch.

4. Follicular cysts of the ovaries

Follicular ovarian cysts appear remaining neovuliruyuschego follicle in the current menstrual cycle, so most often there are unilateral. This problem is a benign neoplasm, and if it does not bring additional unpleasant manifestations, then after a few cycles the cyst will resolve itself. True, it is worthwhile during this period to monitor its size with the help of ultrasound.

5. Somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

ADHD does not need medical treatment, it is necessary to revise one's lifestyle and receive a course of relaxing physiotherapy or massage.

6. Colds

Seasonal colds or uncomplicated acute respiratory viral infections also pass on their own, it is enough to provide themselves with abundant warm drinking and bed rest during a period of illness.

7. Water Calluses

Water corns in general are best not to touch, as they safely pass themselves. You just need to reduce the friction of clothing or shoes and cover them with plaster from mechanical damage. If the callus is large, then it can be gently pricked with a sterile needle. For this, it is necessary to disinfect the puncture site and insert the needle on the side parallel to the body surface. If you make a puncture perpendicularly, then there is a big risk to damage the bottom of the dropsy and cause yourself a lot of pain.

8. Muscle stretching and bruising

When stretching and bruising does not damage the integrity of muscles and tissues, so these injuries do not need specialized treatment, as well as a bruise, for example. In order for all this to pass without consequences, it is necessary to provide a person with peace, not to load that part of the body where the bruise was. And if the injury is received in the area of ​​the joint, then you can fix it with an elastic bandage to reduce the load.

9. Blockage of sebaceous glands in newborns

When a child is born, white acne appears on his nose, similar to acne, but this is a physiological process that occurs under the action of maternal hormones, which does not need any treatment. 2-3 weeks after birth, the pores open themselves.

10. Herpes simplex virus

Probably, each of us faced such a problem on the lips. A bubbling and painful rash in this area is caused by a simple herpes virus. If it is not treated, it will safely come to naught on its own in 7 days. Treatment is used only because this sore brings discomfort and is contagious. But if you do not have at hand an ointment with acyclovir, and there are no pharmacies nearby, then you can not worry, immunity will cope with this problem.