Medieval divination by the table

Today we will tell you about ancient mystical divination by tables.

Ancient divination by the table

This divination by the medieval table of numbers is very simple and interesting. To do this, you need to draw a table and randomly arrange numbers from one to a hundred. Now you need to poke at random anywhere in the table and see what number you have. Below you will find an interpretation of the resulting number.

  1. Life will give you success soon.
  2. Now is the time for you to do something new, something you have not tried before.
  3. You are waiting for happy news.
  4. If now you start looking for happiness, then it will necessarily knock on your door.
  5. Trouble will happen tomorrow.
  6. Nothing is impossible now.
  7. It's better to stop before it's too late.
  8. He thinks about you.
  9. Catch every moment in your life.
  10. Your life will be long and happy.
  11. All your private dreams will come true.
  12. All power in truth, speak honestly.
  13. This week, you have a meeting that will turn your whole life around.
  14. Wait for incredible luck.
  15. Think carefully before you say anything.
  16. You will go up the career ladder.
  17. Until you let go of the past, you can not think of a beautiful future.
  18. Fortune to you is benevolent.
  19. Now is the best time to make new friends.
  20. This year will be fatal
  21. Luck is your friend.
  22. Live today, but remember that tomorrow is just around the corner.
  23. Listen to your heart.
  24. Speak only that which you are sure of.
  25. Be patient.
  26. This night will come true.
  27. Share the positive and bright energy with others.
  28. It is worth a little rest.
  29. Tomorrow may upset you.
  30. Success awaits you soon.
  31. Prepare for disappointment.
  32. The best time to complete what was started.
  33. Expect a miracle.
  34. Sometimes it is worth keeping silent.
  35. Be sure of your actions.
  36. Good luck on your way.
  37. Try to get new acquaintances.
  38. Respect for others begins with respect for yourself.
  39. Ahead of the most important events.
  40. The week will be successful.
  41. Fate prepares for you a surprise.
  42. In your support need.
  43. The news will be good.
  44. The meeting will be joyful.
  45. At work, you are in for trouble.
  46. You will receive a gift.
  47. In time, you will achieve your goal.
  48. It's time for reckoning.
  49. You can be undeservedly offended at home.
  50. Your sorrows will soon be dissolved.
  51. Evil is walking next to you.
  52. Take care of your health.
  53. If you find money, do not pick them up.
  54. Love will not be mutual.
  55. New things are waiting for you.
  56. Stop talking and do things.
  57. Your hopes are hardly justified.
  58. Separation in front.
  59. Beware.
  60. The affair will fail.
  61. There can be a theft.
  62. It's better to sit at home at night.
  63. You are suspected of bad deeds.
  64. Nothing bad will happen.
  65. You can take the wrong path.
  66. Do not get lost.
  67. Do not swear at trifles.
  68. Be careful: you can blame the innocent.
  69. Your love can turn against you.
  70. No trouble will happen.
  71. Be very careful.
  72. The financial situation will improve.
  73. Do not worry
  74. They will help you.
  75. Do not torture your heart.
  76. Excessive gullibility will fail you.
  77. Do not envy.
  78. Ahead of disappointment.
  79. Beauty is not eternal.
  80. Ahead is expected love.
  81. It is better to wait a little.
  82. The year will be bad.
  83. The stranger will be the closest.
  84. Do not think about the bad.
  85. Everything gonna be alright.
  86. There are a lot of envious people at work.
  87. Expect a gift.
  88. The trouble will soon come.
  89. Accuracy in the relationship will not hurt.
  90. The new thing is waiting for you.
  91. The road is long.
  92. Win.
  93. Listen to your loved ones.
  94. Happiness will soon happen.
  95. Disease.
  96. Do not waste your money.
  97. Disorders.
  98. Take a medical examination.
  99. Your loved ones will support you.
  100. Do not believe in fortune telling, believe in your heart.

Divination by the table of Pythagoras

In order to learn the results, you need to use the system of calculating your personality. To do this, add the digits of the day and month of your birth (for example, 4 + 2 = 6). Add the year of birth (1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 24). Now add the results: 6 + 24 = 30 - you got the first working number. Add up his numbers 3 + 0 = 3-this will be the second working number. Now you need to subtract the doubled birthday digit from the first working number (30-8 = 22, the third working number). Now we need to add the numbers of the third working number, we get 4 (the fourth working number).

You will get two rows, the first will consist of the numbers of your birth 421968

The second row is the working numbers. 303224.

If you count the numbers in two rows, you will be able to find out when the person came to this land. In total, it comes 15 times. Next, you need to make a table of squares, in which enter the same numbers from both numbers of numbers. After that you can find out the information in this article.