Ijing fortune telling

Ijing is an ancient Chinese written monument, which was first used as a fortune telling, but then entered the Confucian canon. This monument is also called a book of changes, which provides a detailed answer to a question and several options for the development of events. Ijing fortune telling is one of the most important in the classical Chinese literature. It helps to define the connection between you and the creative process. At this time, your inner voice will be able to prompt the right decision. Beginners are often confused, because recommendations can conflict with daily life or be incomprehensible and confusing. The main thing is not to rush, because it takes some time to master the Ijing.

Guessing from the book of Yijing

This amazing fortune-telling was invented by the famous and wise Chinese ruler Fu Xi. At first there were 8 trigrams, which later turned into 64 hexagrams. The fact is that the classic detailed guessing of the Ijing is very complicated. Europeans are often offered a simplified way that they can correctly understand and use competently.

For this divination, you need to find three small silver coins. Concentrate and mentally ask yourself a question, then toss coins in turn and see what value they have dropped up. If three coins drop upwards by an eagle - you draw a solid line. If you drop two coins with an eagle, you need to draw the same thing. If two or three coins have fallen upwards by a crochet - draw an intermittent line. Thus, you should make six lines, each time tossing coins. The hexagram is drawn from the lowest line to the top line. So, first you draw one lower line, and all the others are placed above it.

Intelligent guessing

After that, you can interpret the resulting hexagram. Divide your hexagram in half, and find its upper part among the trigrams placed on top horizontally, and the bottom part vertically. Do not be upset if you did not receive the best news. The book of changes shows only one option possible, so that you can take timely measures and change the situation for the better.

Interpretation of all hexagrams can be seen here .

Tips on the Chinese fortune telling

Each hexagram has its own key concepts, and interpretation. Also in each of them is a wisdom, which should be paid attention in the first place. It is wisdom that tells you how to act in certain situations. Do not constantly ask the book the same question, hoping to get another symbol. You should know that the question can be asked only once. To make fortune-telling correctly, you should concentrate on your question and build it correctly. After that, you can start toss coins. When interpreting, carefully read the text and try to compare it with your own situation. If it seems to you that the book gave absolutely unsuitable advice, postpone it for a while, then try to ask a question a little differently. Treat your book with respect, and it will help you to point the right way.

The great wrote about the amazing power of the book of change. He noted that if he had the opportunity, he would have given 50 years of his life to study and interpret her symbols. Many rulers, scientists, world generals and great philosophers used the book of change. It is believed that Yijing can answer any question and predict the future, to teach people to properly manage it.