Glomerulonephritis - symptoms and treatment

Glomerulonephritis is a kidney disease of an inflammatory nature. With it, there is a lesion of mainly renal glomeruli (glomerulus). The interstitial tissue and the tubules themselves are involved in a much lesser steppe process. Consider the violation in more detail, and we will dwell in detail on the symptoms and treatment of acute as well as chronic glomerulonephritis in women.

What happens with glomerulonephritis?

With this disease, the antigen-antibody complexes that are formed in any person during the inflammatory process are deposited directly in the capillary nets of the renal glomeruli themselves. Thus, there is a violation of the process of urination, which leads to a delay in the body of water and the formation of edema. There is also a decrease in antihypertensive factors, which contributes to the development of arterial hypertension, as well as kidney failure.

Because of what is the disease developing?

Before considering the symptoms of glomerulonephritis in adults, it is necessary to name the factors that provoke it.

The most common cause of the disease is streptococcal infection (a consequence of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever). Also, the disease can develop as a consequence of the measles, chickenpox and even ARVI that were carried out the day before.

It is worth noting that the likelihood of a disorder increases prolonged exposure to cold with increased humidity, because this combination of external conditions changes the course of immunological reactions in the human body, which affects the process of blood supply to the kidneys.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Before treating kidney glomerulonephritis, doctors conduct a diagnostic examination that begins with the detection of symptoms of the disorder.

As a rule, signs of such a disease do not appear earlier than in 1-3 weeks from the moment of the transferred infectious process. The acute form of glomerulonephritis is characterized by 3 groups of symptoms:

In most cases, the disease begins with a rise in body temperature, the appearance of chills, nausea, the appearance of a feeling of general weakness, a headache. There is pain in the lumbar region.

After this, there are symptoms in which there is a violation of urination. Thus, during the first 3-5 days after the onset of the disease, a decrease in diuresis is noted, i.ะต. a woman very rarely visits the toilet. After this time, the amount of urine released increases, but a decrease in its density is observed. It should also be noted that with this disease, there is a presence of blood in the urine - hematuria. As a rule, this phenomenon makes one consult a doctor.

Specific symptom of the disorder can be called the appearance of puffiness, which is noted mainly on the face. It is expressed in the morning and decreases during the day.

As a result of the above changes, hypertension appears. Approximately 60% of all susceptible people reported increased blood pressure.

Symptoms of glomerulonephritis in children are almost the same, but treatment and related activities should be started as soon as possible, because the disease develops rapidly.

How is treatment carried out?

With the timely start of the therapeutic process, its duration is 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of the acute stage of the disorder is usually carried out in a hospital. The woman is prescribed antibiotics (Ampiox, Penicillin, Erythromycin), immunity is strengthened (Cyclophosphamide, Imuran). The complex of therapeutic measures includes anti-inflammatory treatment ( Voltaren) and symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing edema and normalizing blood pressure.

Treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis is reduced to a decrease in the symptomatology of the disorder, the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.