Hormonal drugs for women after 40

With the onset of menopause, the female body needs hormonal support, because data of biologically active substances in the body is synthesized ever less. Their deficiency is compensated by taking medication. Let's talk about what hormonal drugs can be used to treat women with the goal of correcting the hormonal background after 40 years.

What is usually prescribed to women during the menopause?

The basis of hormone replacement therapy is most often composed of estrogens. These hormones are responsible for the occurrence in the female body of most physiological processes, especially those associated with the reproductive system.

The appointment of hormone tablets for women after 40 years is carried out on an individual basis. As a rule, before prescribing medicines, the doctor prescribes a test, which involves the delivery of an analysis of hormones and ultrasound. Only after receiving the results do the therapeutic process begin.

If we talk specifically about hormonal drugs for women after 40 years, then we can distinguish the following medicines:

  1. Vero-Danazol - belongs to the group of hormonal drugs, which are prescribed, including during the menopause. Most often recommend 200-800 mg of the drug 2-4 times a day. It all depends on the particular situation. This drug refers to microdose preparations, therefore the duration of its use is usually up to 6 months.
  2. Divina - is applied according to a certain scheme, which must be agreed by the doctor. Most often a woman is recommended to take 1 tablet for 21 days, after which a 7-day break is prescribed. As a rule, at this time, there is an appearance of excreta, which remotely resemble menstrual. Upon their completion, the medication is renewed. Therapy with the help of these tablets can be started at any time after the monthly periods have ceased or they have acquired an irregular character.
  3. Divisek - also used for hormone therapy for women after 40 years. As a rule, appoint 1 tablet daily for a month. Take medicine at about the same time. When it is taken, a natural menstrual cycle is imitated, which starts from the estrogen phase.

Women after 40 can also be prescribed hormonal contraceptives to maintain the hormonal background. These include: