Haemostatic herbs with uterine bleeding

Many recipes of traditional medicine are perfectly used to this day. As is known, most of them are based on plants. A special place in gynecology is occupied by hemostatic herbs.

How does the herb stop bleeding?

The substances entering into the composition of such plants lead to the stopping of bleeding in 2 ways: an increase in blood coagulability or narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. However, the hemostatic herbs used in uterine bleeding work a little differently. They lead to stimulation of the myometrium, which as a result squeezes the blood vessels, which are located in large numbers, directly in the uterine walls.

The main stimulator in plants is vitamin K. It promotes the synthesis of prothrombin by the liver, which increases the coagulability of the blood.

What herbs have a hemostatic effect?

Having dealt with how the herbs stop bleeding, it is necessary to say about which herbs can be considered haemostatic. So, most often used are:

  1. Barberry. The main component in this plant is berberine, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, by reducing the number of heartbeats. In addition, this substance leads to an increase in the reduction of uterine myometrium. Typically, use a tincture of the leaves, which is taken orally.
  2. Carnations are colorful. Decoction of this herb is a good tool that can be used when stopping the uterine bleeding. This plant is one of those hemostatic herbs, which can be used with abundant periods.
  3. Highlander peppery. It is one of the oldest means for stopping various kinds of bleeding.
  4. Kalina. The calf bark can also be used. This plant has a good anticonvulsant effect, soothes the nervous system. It is used in both hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding.
  5. Stinging Nettle - excellent can be used as a means of stopping bleeding. Apply it in the form of broths and tinctures.