Removal of uterine fibroids - consequences

Myoma is a benign tumor developing on the epithelium or smooth muscle of the uterus wall. If the therapeutic treatment is ineffective, it is indicated that surgical removal of myomas is surgically removed. The operation itself is not dangerous or complicated, it is carried out through a cut on the abdomen or through the uterine cavity.

Complications after removal of fibroids

However, the removal of uterine fibroids may have a number of unpleasant consequences:

The risk of complications after removal of fibroids is much lower than the probability of removal of the uterus in case of neglected disease and subsequent infertility or degeneration of the tumor into a malignant one. It is extremely important at the first symptoms of the disease (sudden sharp pains) to consult a specialist and, without hesitation, agree to an operation.

Recovery after removal of fibroids

The recovery period after removal of uterine fibroids takes 1-2 months. During this period, it is necessary to observe a number of rules for successful healing and scarring of the wound.

  1. Carefully monitor your diet and digestion, avoid constipation and too dry or hard stools. After removal of the uterine myoma, it is impossible to exert pressure during defecation, stress can lead to suture expenditure.
  2. Will be useful for minor physical exertion. These include quiet walks, dancing, swimming, morning exercises.
  3. Sexual life in the first 2-3 months after removal of fibroids should be excluded.

Rehabilitation after removal of uterine fibroids should be under the supervision of a specialist. This will help to quickly recover and eliminate the development of complications.

Pregnancy after the removal of uterine fibroids is possible, but it has a number of characteristics. With an unfavorable outcome of surgery, it is possible to form adhesive bundles and, as a consequence, the inability to conceive a child in a natural way. In pregnancy, which arose after the operation for the removal of fibroids, most obstetricians tend to the planned caesarean section in order to avoid rupture of joints with attempts.