God One in Scandinavian mythology and its superpower

Mythology of Scandinavians is interesting for its colorful characters. God One is the key figure in the ancient beliefs of the northern peoples. A warrior, a shaman and a wanderer are three well-known hypostases of the All-World. He is the one who travels through 9 worlds on the mighty eight-legged stallion Sleipnire, and welcomes the fallen warriors in his hall Valhalla.

God One in Scandinavian mythology

The more ancient name of Odin (dr.scand. Óðin n ) is Wotan or Vodan. God One is the supreme lord of the 9 worlds of the tree Yggdrasil (world axis) and the leader of the Aesir, Valkyries, Einheriev warriors. One is a formidable god of war, he is called in battles and for victory, he is also a great master of reincarnations. Scandinavians have a belief that the All-Father is disguised as an old man or a wanderer in a dark blue raincoat, with a staff and a hat, meets people or knocks at their homes - and the blessing of the gods will leave one who does not render a guest simple hospitality honors.

When was God One born?

It is for certain unknown when the ancient god Od was born. The parents of Wotan are Asher Bir (the son of the first human Buri) and the frosty giantess Bestla - the mother of all the Aesir. Odin has two brothers, Vili and Ve. The Norwegian researcher and traveler Thor Heyerdahl believed that God One was a man and lived 2000 years ago in the territory of Azov (in Russia). The research was based on the Icelandic saga of the 13th century, but material evidence was never found.

How did God lose his eye?

In the images, the sovereign lord appears with a gaping emptiness right eye, or with a bandage covering the eyes. Why is God One-eyed? Vseotets always strived to learn the laws of the universe and the universe, for the sake of gaining the sacred knowledge he made a deal with the giant Mimir, who guarded the well of wisdom. One gave his right eye to drink from the spring. The past, the present, the future - destinies of gods, people, worlds all became subject to the inner vision of the Great. Odin's left eye began to personify the Sun, the right one lowered to the bottom of Mimir's well - the Moon.

God One is a symbol

Self-sacrifice for the High is the path to knowledge. God One and the runes are tied together in the myth of bringing the All-Father to the sacrifice of himself - to himself. 9 days and nights without water and food hung a spear nailed. In the state of transition between life and death, the lord saw in the nine branches of the ash 24 of the law of the universe - 24 sacred runes and fell to the ground - the One-Shaman was born. Other symbols and attributes of the supreme god:

God One - ability

One - the god of thunder - is considered by many, drawing a parallel with the Greek god Zeus, whereas this function belongs to his son Torah. Abilities of the supreme lord are determined by his incarnations:

God One and His Family

Ruler of the Universe God One and his wife Frigg live in the supreme world of Asgard - in the hall with the silver roof of Valyakyalve. The All-Father is very fond of the wise Frigg, but this does not prevent him from entering into relationships with other feminine entities, be they goddesses, giantesses or simply earthly women. Odin has many famous descendants. The most famous offspring of the Father: