The Egyptian God of the Mountains

The peculiarity of pagan cults is not only that there are many gods, but also that these deities often were many-sided and similar to each other, and their duties overlapped. One of such difficult in the study of the gods - a representative of the ancient Egyptian pantheon of Gore.

History of the Egyptian god Horus

The God of the sky of the Mountains in Egyptian mythology was usually identified with the reigning Pharaoh, so the crown was the mandatory attribute. On the frescoes of the tombs Gore was most often depicted as a man with a falcon head. The sun god Ra, who also painted with the head of a falcon, can be distinguished on the solar disk over his head.

Along with Osiris and Isis, the god Horus was one of the key figures in Egyptian mythology. The supreme gods of the Egyptian pantheon were the parents of Horus, but his conception occurred under unusual circumstances.

The supreme god Osiris had Brother Seth, who could not reconcile himself to the fact that he was not the chief ruler. Seth deceived his elder brother, but Isis-the wife of Osiris and their sister-miraculously conceived from the deceased husband and gave birth to Horus.

While Gore was small, Isis hid him in distant lands in the Nile delta. But when the Egyptian god Horus grew up, he claimed his right to Egypt, which at the time was governed by Seth. After a long war, Gore destroyed his uncle and revived his father with the help of his eye.

The Eye of the Egyptian God Horus

A special place in the legends about Gore is the description of his magical eye. The eye of the Egyptian god Horus is the all-seeing eye of Attes, with the help of which the son raised his dead father.

The Eye of Horus symbolized wisdom , clairvoyance and eternal life. It was depicted in the form of an eye with a spiral and many Egyptians wore the eye of Horus as a protective amulet from witchcraft. According to some legends, the Eye of Horus personified the Moon, the eye of Ra - the Sun, according to other legends - both eyes belonged to Ra, but were given by Isis Gora.