Approximate menu of the child in 5 months on artificial feeding

Pediatricians recommend the introduction of supplementary feeding to artificial children somewhat earlier than infants. It is necessary that the growing organism does not experience a shortage of vitamins and trace elements. In the menu for a 5 month old baby who is on artificial feeding, you can add egg yolk, vegetables and fruits.

Rules of introduction of complementary foods

At this stage of development, the baby eats about five times a day. Still in the diet of a child in 5 months, who is on artificial or mixed feeding should prevail the usual for crumb milk mixture or mother's milk. After supplementing the baby with other products is just beginning.

When the child is 5 months old and at the same time is on artificial or mixed feeding , in his menu you can slowly add vegetable puree.

The dish should be single-component, for example, consist of a zucchini or potato, cauliflower or broccoli - at the discretion of the mother. For the first complementary food, mashed potatoes should be prepared by yourself. After a couple of weeks, the diet of a 5-month-old baby on artificial feeding can be varied with fruit puree and juice. To begin acquaintance of the child with fruit it is best from apples of green and yellow grades. They are distinguished by a high content of vitamins and a low degree of allergenicity. Introduce unfamiliar products in the child's menu at 5 months on mixed and artificial feeding is better in the daytime, and in the morning and in the evening it is necessary to give the baby a mixture.

Schedule of feeds and menus for a 5-month-old baby on artificial feeding

Given the age and individual characteristics of your child, each mother can make herself an exemplary menu for a baby in 5 months who is on artificial feeding . Most often, the ration of a 5 month old baby is as follows: