Linoleic acid for weight loss

If you are in search of miracle pills that can return to you harmony, sooner or later you will find information that you can use linoleic acid for weight loss. However, whether this substance is a miracle-way for the simplest disposal of fat, we will disassemble in this article.

Linoleic acid: properties

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLC) for weight loss has been used relatively recently. Initially, this drug was intended for sports nutrition: it promotes the breakdown of fats and allows you to show the muscles in all its glory.

What is the use of linoleic acid?

However, according to people who take this drug, the effect is achieved only on condition of playing sports. In other words, you will not help the body much if you just drink CLC and seize hamburgers sitting on the couch. If the amount of calories consumed is much greater than the amount of calories consumed, no pills will help you cope with the weight. That is why it makes sense to talk about the admission of CLC only if at least 2-3 hours of playing sports a week.

Preparations containing linoleic acid

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the question of where linoleic acid is contained is, of course, CLA (CLC), that is, it is itself in its pure form. You can buy this drug in shops that provide sports nutrition.

On the basis of this acid, there are various other drugs, for example "Reduxin-light" and others. However, if the main active substance in them is the same CLC, it hardly makes sense to buy more expensive variants with other names.

Products containing linoleic acid

Linoleic acid in foods is not a rare phenomenon. If desired, it can be obtained in sufficient quantities from your diet, if you include in it those products in which its content is high enough. So, what contains linoleic acid:

As for people who hold traditional views on nutrition, everything is simple. But the vegans will have to be satisfied only with mushrooms and vegetable fats. However, vegetarians rarely worry about weight loss issues, because most of them watch their food and do not gain excess weight.

Conjugated linoleic acid: contraindications

The only contraindication is the individual intolerance of the constituent components, when it comes to preparations. A similar indication exists also for products in which conjugated linoleic acid enters in its natural form.