God of blacksmithing

Hephaestus was considered the god of fire and blacksmith's work among the Greeks. His parents were Zeus and Hera. The boy was born lame, so the mother threw him off Olympus and he fell into the Ocean. He was rescued by the goddesses of the sea of ​​Thetis and Evrinom. He grew up in their underwater grotto and learned the blacksmith's trade there.

History of the return of Hephaestus to Olympus

Because of the desire for revenge Hephaestus built a golden throne for his mother. When Hera sat on him, she was handcuffed. No one could release the goddess from strong chains. Therefore, the gods sent for the author of this invention. Hephaestus did not want to return to Olympus. Then the gods acted cunningly, they sent for Hephaestus Dionysus - the god of wine . Having drunk Hephaestus, he seated him on Osla and brought him to Olympus. Under the influence of wine dope Hephaestus forgave his mother and freed her. After this, the Greek god-blacksmith settled on Olympus. To compensate for the physical defect of his son, Zeus and Hera picked Hephaestus the most charming bride - the goddess of love Aphrodite.

The god of blacksmithing from the Greeks Hephaestus, settling on Olympus, rebuilt all the dwellings of the gods. It's hard to say how they lived before the god of the blacksmith arrived on Olympus, but now they lived in luxurious palaces of gold and silver. A beautiful palace appeared at Hephaestus. He did not want to give up the blacksmith's craft, so he created a huge workshop in his palace. Unlike other gods, Hephaestus did not avoid physical labor.

The gods often joked about the lameness of Hephaestus. Only Hera treated him condescendingly, feeling the long-standing guilt before him. He answered her the same. When Zeus and Hera quarreled, Hephaestus always took the side of his mother. And one day my father drove him for it from Olympus. Hephaestus flew on a large trajectory and landed as a result on the island of Lemnos. Local residents greeted him cordially, so the god of blacksmithing made himself a forge in Mosihle volcano, and stayed there.