Goddess Juno

Juno is the goddess of Ancient Rome, who was considered the patroness of marriage and motherhood. Its main task was to preserve the family and marriage. Juno was the wife of Jupiter. In Greek mythology, it corresponded to Hera. The Romans believed that every woman has her own Juno. She had two advisers: Minerva is the goddess of wisdom and the dark goddess Ceres.

Basic information about the goddess Juno in Ancient Rome

The goddess was depicted always in clothes, and she covered almost the entire body except for the face, part of the neck and arm. Juno was quite tall and slender. The distinctive features of the exterior include large eyes and luxurious hair. Its main attributes are: a diadem in the shape of a crescent and a veil. The sacred birds for Juno were the peacock and the cock. On some images the goddess wears the goat skin, which symbolizes her inner passion. The warrior goddess appeared in a helmet and with a spear in her hands. Depending on the functions, the goddess Juno had several nicknames:

Despite the large number of responsibilities and opportunities, Juno was primarily considered the patroness of married women. She helped representatives of the fair sex to maintain love in a relationship, taught to overcome problems and troubles. Juno patronizes all important aspects relating to the relationship between a man and a woman, for example, sexuality, pregnancy, beauty, etc.

The cult of the goddess of marriage was very popular. He combined completely opposite traits, for example, fear and respect, softness and cunning, etc. Juno was considered a definite opposition to the patriarchate and to the gross male power. On the Capitol Hill was the temple of the goddess Juno. Here came the Romans to ask for advice and support. The geese sacrificed to her. They called her Juno Coin. Her main task was to take care of the well-being of the state. She warned of impending problems and troubles. In the courtyard of this temple, money was minted for the Romans. That's why in time they began to be called coins. In honor of Juno, the month-June was named.

Another important place of worship of the Roman goddess Juno was the Esquilino hill. Every year here there were holidays, which were called matronalia. The main participants of the celebration are women in marriage. In their hands they held wreaths, and accompanied their slaves. Passed through the whole city to the temple, located on a hill. There Juno They sacrificed flowers and asked for happiness and love.

Fortune telling "Juno"

The ancient Greeks believed that this goddess possesses a wonderful intuition and a gift of foresight. This divination using ancient Roman coins is quite simple. With its help you can get an answer to any question of interest. To begin to guess is only with full confidence in its effectiveness. Before the beginning, it is recommended that one coin be donated to the goddess Juno. You need to take coins of different denominations and throw them up. The answer is given taking into account the fallen side and face value. So, if the coins of a higher denomination drop out with an eagle, then the answer to the question is positive. When the eagle fell small coins, it means that the desire is realized, but not soon.