Women's Wisdom

For centuries, men call their women "silly" and "fools," but none of them will argue with the existence of such a mysterious thing as women's wisdom. She, maybe, and will not bring the lady of the leading posts in the firm, but will help achieve a balance in love relationships. Let's see what is the wisdom of women.

Secrets of Women's Wisdom

The question, of course, is interesting, but in order to answer it, one must remember the primordial female destiny, and it is clearly not about proving one's superiority to surrounding men. That is why, women's wisdom is useful in relationships, but it will be almost useless for a career. We are not talking about the fact that ladies can not get ahead of men in the presidential elections, simply in this case the family will certainly suffer. Therefore, the first of the secrets of women's wisdom is this: be able to make the right choice in time. Since it will be very difficult to make up for lost time. But this is only one of the laws, but what else is female wisdom?

  1. The wisdom of a woman is not in the ability to defend her point of view in heated debates, but in the ability to avoid them. In a dispute, it is often not the truth that is born, but the grounds for resentment.
  2. Remember such popular female wisdom: "The husband - the head, and the wife - the neck"? She perfectly reflects the position of a wise woman in the family. This will not start scandals and tantrums to induce her husband to act, but find a way to get what is desired in other ways. The top of aerobatics is to make sure that the man sincerely believes that the initiative comes from him.
  3. There is such a woman's wisdom - not to notice the slips of her husband. Many people like to dribble on the faithful about wages, relationships with parents, not thrown away garbage, but for any reason. The result from such actions is disappointing - either a divorce or a husband-henpecked. Wise women are well aware of this and instead of supporting their men. Yes, and something to do nicer for a woman who appreciates you, but not for the scandal and hysteria.
  4. Another sign of a wise woman is the ability to appreciate and respect yourself, to know everything about your true feelings and desires.
  5. A wise woman will never bind her man in the arms and legs, claiming her ownership. She will not ask for something in return for her love, because there is no place in the relationship for the market, as soon as it appears, you can put a cross on sincerity.

How to learn female wisdom?

It is believed that women's wisdom is the knowledge of the Family, the experience accumulated by our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Therefore, the lessons of women's wisdom should not be in demand, because there is the memory of Rod. So it would be if we were aware of this connection and did not try to renounce our roots at the first opportunity. And there are so many women, so here are women who do not have support Family. Fortunately, it can be returned. For this, it is required to build a good relationship with the mother, to resolve all misunderstandings, if any.

Find out if there were rejected women in your family - single, seriously ill, drinking. If such were, then write their names in a column, starting with the name of your mother. Now, opposite the name of each woman, write something good about her. And now read all written, thanks to every woman for all the good that she gave Rod - life and love to her children, the necessary experience. It is important during this ritual not to condemn anyone, not to experience condemnation or pride.