Turnip - benefits and contraindications

To understand what benefit and harm turnip can inflict on the body, you need to understand its composition. It contains the necessary sulfur for purification of blood, which is not in any other vegetable that is usual for us. It is rich in potassium, which maintains a normal water balance in the body, which stabilizes the work of the nervous system. In the root crop there are also such elements as iodine, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron , copper. Contained in the turnip ethereal mustard oil has antibacterial properties, improves digestion, increases immunity. Nitrogenous and nitrogenous substances have a positive effect on the digestive system, and glucoraphanin is characterized by anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties. Turnip is rich in vitamins: PP, B5, B2, B1, A.

Health Benefits of Turnip for Health

To all who are interested in the question, what is the use of turnips, it is worth knowing that it has found its application in the treatment of various diseases. Turnip is an excellent expectorant, helps to get rid of diseases of the respiratory system and cough. In combination with honey, it perfectly fights against cold infections. The pulp of the root helps to get rid of acne, dermatitis, wounds. Turnip prevents the development of harmful bacteria for digestion, which makes it useful for the stomach. Contained in her vegetable fats exclude the appearance of fatty layer, so it is ideal for eating people who are dieters. In doing so, it improves the condition of the hair, nails, teeth.

Benefit and harm of turnip juice

It is juice of turnip has the greatest medical value. It has a calming and analgesic effect, helps with rheumatism and other joint diseases. Juice from fresh roots in folk medicine is used as a diuretic and expectorant. In these cases, it must be eaten three times a day before meals by half a cup.

Damage to turnip

Turnip, like any other product, has not only useful properties. In certain situations, it can not be eaten. Refuse this root should people suffering from gastritis , colitis, diseases of the stomach, intestines, inflammation of the kidneys and liver. It should also be avoided in certain diseases of the central nervous system.

Knowing about the benefits and contra-indications of turnips, you can reasonably use it for food and do no harm to your health!