A love spell on Ivan Kupala

The Feast of Ivan Kupala is a time when magic has a tremendous power and everyone has the opportunity to take advantage of it for their own good. Many lonely girls make a love spell on Ivan Kupala, in order to tie the man they liked to him. There is a legend that if you find a blossoming fern and pick a flower, then a person will become happy and rich for life. You can not make a love spell on a married man in a bathing night, as this will have serious magical consequences.

Love spell on a man on Ivan Kupala with a fern

Since ancient times, girls want to tie a man to him and live with him all their lives happily and in love. To conduct the rite, you should go to the forest, find a fern and tear off several leaves. After that, find the aspen, sit with her back and beat yourself with fern leaves, saying the following words:

"Dry, grass, dry, wither."

Let it also dry

For me my dear friend

Servant of God (name). Amen".

After that, the leaves should be tied to aspen and go home without looking back. It is important not to talk to anyone on the way.

A love spell on Ivan Kupala's night on a shirt

Love spells are made not only by single girls, but also married ladies who want a man to be always near and not stare at other women. Before Ivan Kupala, take your wife's shirt and bed her on the doorstep, and then, stand on her feet and say such a conspiracy:

"Thank God,

The world is my threshold,

Water extinguishes the fire,

And you, servant of God (name),

Me, servant of God (name),

Do not touch!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever

And for all eternity. Amen."

Strong spell on Ivan Kupala on the fire

This ritual is considered one of the most powerful, and it should be done on the night of Ivan Kupala in front of the fire. It is important that there is an object of adoration on the holiday. Look at the bonfire and say these words:

"The fire is burning hot,

The night will brightly illuminate,

The secret of love will help me to open,

(name) to bewitch yourself.

As soon as we take hold of him,

Passionate love pour.

The fire of our love will bind,

Our hearts will unite forever ".

After the plot has been read, it is necessary, together with the object of adoration, to jump over the bonfire. It is important to hold hands and not let go of each other during the jump.

The spell on Ivan Kupala on the grass

Lonely girls can make a magical love potion. For this purpose, it is first necessary to collect the herb collection, which includes clover, thistle and cuckoo tears. After midnight, you need to stay at home alone, put a pot of water on the stove to start brewing the potion. When the water boils, throw in it three pinch of clover, the head of a thistle and a flower of cuckoo's tears. Stir the potion with a knife, say such a conspiracy:

"You boil, my potion, boils,

Take all the sweetness from the fields,

Take the herbal dope,

Collect the meadow fog.

As the whole Christian world

He loves meadows and fields,

So and (such and such)

Extremely loved me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever

And for all eternity. Amen".

Potion strain, and then, pour it into the drinks of a beloved man.