Ground-cover roses

The queen of flowers - a rose - has been a favorite of gardeners for a long time already. However, the plant itself is rather capricious, which forces many to abandon the idea to grow an fragrant beauty on their private plot. But there is a special group of these beautiful plants - ground cover roses. In the garden they are decorated with slides, retaining walls, rockeries . The main feature of this kind of roses is that they do not grow up, but spread along the ground. Gifting with beautiful flowering, these beauties are not whimsical, so they can be grown by inexperienced growers. Along with this, knowing how to care for ground-cover roses, of course, will not hurt.

A group of ground-covering roses was singled out more than 20 years ago. The main features of these plants is the height of up to 1 m (although some varieties reach 2 m), sprawl to the side, prolonged flowering, though with a weak odor. The bushiness of ground-covering roses can reach up to 3 square meters. m! The use of ground cover roses in landscape design in the garden is possible in the creation of carpet flower beds, the decoration of rocky hills, rock gardens , slopes, the decor of arbours and arches, lawns and flower beds. These flowers are perfectly combined with perennial plants (sage, cuff, delphinium, lavender).

Rose groundcover: landing and care

Plant these plants from seedlings that can be purchased on the market. Soil must be prepared in advance: dig and remove the weeds. While planting a ground-covering rose, keep in mind that each bush will grow, so we recommend that no more than 5-7 bushes per square meter be placed. For each seedling should dig a hole depth of 60 cm and fill it with a layer of horse manure or organic. The bud around the bushes must be covered, that is, covered with wood bark or shavings to prevent the development of weeds.

In caring for ground cover roses it is very important to carry out abundant watering once a week. Each bush will have to use up to 10-15 liters of water. Watering should be carried out directly under the bush in the morning hours with standing water at room temperature. By the way, replacing the insufficiency of watering is simple - the flowers of the plant do not grow to the usual size. In autumn, the volume of water must be significantly reduced.

Also in the cultivation of ground-covering roses it is important to fertilize complex fertilizers. It is carried out two weeks after the first leaves appear on the bushes. In a month, it is necessary to make fertilizers again. Such complexes as "Agricola for flowering plants", "Citovit" are used. With the onset of autumn, you can spend one more fertilizing fertilizer only with potassium.

From time to time, it is necessary to prune ground-cover roses. In the first years of life, shoots are cut off in order to stimulate growth and increase tillering in the spring in early May. Then every year in the spring you need to sanitize the bush: remove frozen, weak and damaged shoots to a healthy tissue, undeveloped leaves. Cut each branch at an angle of 45 degrees at a distance of half a centimeter from the kidney on the shoot. Each cut must then be treated with a garden crock. Every five years of life of the bush it needs to be rejuvenated, cutting all the branches and leaving 20 cm above the ground.

Reproduction of ground cover roses is recommended to be carried out with taps. In spring, choose the longest shoot, which you need to bend to the ground in several places. Break the hole 10 cm deep, bury the shoot site with 1 kidney from which the roots will develop, and pin a branch. In addition, propagation by cuttings, offspring is possible.