Grooming by Jennifer Aniston

Star of American cinema Jennifer Aniston is an example for many fans. It is not surprising that the changes in her image are watched especially carefully. For example, many people are interested in the haircut of Jennifer Aniston.

Haircuts Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston appeared on the screen and in life in a variety of ways, but the length of her hair, most suitable for her appearance, and also her color, was established long ago. Usually all her haircuts reach or fall long just below the shoulder line, and the color predominates light blond with clarified, as if lightly burned in the sun strands.

At the beginning of the acting career, we could see Jennifer Aniston with a ladder. Slightly disheveled view very much went to the young actress, creating image of the girl from the next court yard. It was in this way that we remembered the star in the cult series "Friends", which made Jennifer Aniston famous.

Over time, the hooligan ladder turned from Jennifer Aniston into a more neat and elegant haircut-cascade. Variants with a graduated length generally go to the actress, making the hair more lively and lighter. With the cascade, Aniston could appear in the image of a Hollywood diva with chic locks, and as a serious lady with a smooth horse tail - variations of hair styles at that time was quite a lot.

A little later, the actress again changed her hair. This time, Jennifer Aniston chose a short beard. However, her basic principles in choosing the image of the actress has not changed. Although in the back of the head, the bean was rather short, but its front parts reached her shoulder.

What is the haircut for Jennifer Aniston now?

Now the actress again chooses a longer haircut. Her hair falls about 10-15 cm below the shoulders. Jennifer Aniston again made the cascading of the hair in two layers. The upper layer reaches the shoulders, and the lower one shows the full length. The star is still choosing the California highlights, but now has made the total light weight of the hair light, so it seems like she's almost blond.

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With this haircut, Jennifer Aniston can afford any hairstyles and styling, but most often she chooses a simple and easy hair design when the outer layer is slightly twisted inwards and the inside is slightly outward. The actress with such a styling looks very fresh and young, besides this hairstyle opens well and beautifully frames her beautiful face.