Hairstyle Catherine Pierce

The series "The Vampire Diaries" in our time is very popular. And this does not seem strange at all, because the plot is interesting, and all the actors are talented and attractive. Especially Nina Dobrev, who played the role of Catherine Pierce - a vampire girl. Katherine has beautiful long dark chestnut hair that you can be proud of. In the series she often appears before us with surprisingly beautiful hairstyles not only of the present, but also of the days gone by.

Hairstyle of Catherine Pierce from the 15th century

Many girls will agree that the hairstyle of the heroine in the second season of the series, where her life is described in the past, became especially interesting. How does it look like? Catherine Pierce's hair is loose and slightly twisted, that is, with wavy strands. At the same time, from the top of the head and along the entire length, the hair is braided into two interlacing pigtails. Do not be afraid to look old-fashioned with such a haircut, as long and healthy hair is the treasure of every girl, and models of hairstyles with braids are insanely relevant in recent times.

How to make a hairstyle like that of Catherine Pierce? Already want to try to create it and shine like the heroine of the series? This is quite understandable, so below you will find detailed instructions for creating the image of Katherine Pierce. Prepare in advance, you need to be invisible, curlers, curling iron, mousse for hair, wax and, preferably, restoring oil.

Stages of creating a hairstyle Catherine Pierce

  1. Use restoring oil after you wash your hair.
  2. The use of a phenol is not recommended, so it is better to warm the hair with a warm towel and dry it naturally.
  3. Apply mousse for volume, without it the result will not be so impressive.
  4. Divide the hair in half with the central part.
  5. Extreme from a choice of a lock are future pigtails. We seize them and begin to weave.
  6. Then the most important - when you reach the middle of the head, then we do not weave new strands into the pigtails. Smooth the pigtails with hair wax and cross them (one up, the other under the bottom), secure with invisibility.
  7. And so continue along the entire length of the hair, at the end select the central strand and under it cross and fasten the ends of the braids.
  8. What to do with loose hair? Loose strands of a screw on the curling iron, after comb their fingers to create the effect of light waves.

Now you can safely be called a secular lady of past centuries, because you look feminine and attractive. Perhaps Catherine Pierce herself might have envied you. And do not forget that healthy and well-groomed hair is in itself a wonderful hairstyle (for example, the hair is Catherine Pearce).