The Feast of the Day - Rites for Marriage

According to the information provided in the annals, in ancient times during the siege of Constantinople, the Virgin descended to the people from heaven, covering them with a white veil, thereby saving them from death. Since then, this day has become a sacred holiday, when people turn to the Theotokos with various requests. Women perform rituals for the Protection for marriage, happy family life and conception. Others seek help in matters of health, finance, luck , etc.

Preparation for marriage ceremonies for the Protection of the Holy Virgin

For the rituals to work, great importance has faith in a positive result, pure thoughts and sincerity. There are several rules that need to be followed:

  1. Before the rituals, it is important to clean the dwelling, that is, to make general cleaning. It is recommended to throw away all unnecessary things, freeing up space. After this, it is worth to cover the home with herbs. You can also walk around the corners with a candle, reading "Our Father", and sprinkle the room with holy water.
  2. It is recommended to carry out an internal cleansing, for which try to stick to the fast , but rather starve for a day. Before you go to church, it is recommended to wash yourself with cold water.
  3. Order should be put in thoughts, saying goodbye to the past and forgetting about the insults. Only by putting a point in the past, you can count on something bright in the future.

Rite of Marriage for the Protection of the Church

A simple ritual will meet a soul mate and get married. To conduct it, you need to wake up to the cover until dawn, go to the nearest pond and collect some water. When you come home, read over the liquid three times the conspiracy in Pokrov for marriage:

"Cover the Holy, cover my head with health, happiness and fate happy!"

The next step is to wash up with water and go to the church, where you need to buy three candles, which are placed near the icon of the Virgin. It is believed that the first girl who was able to light a candle in the temple will be married in the near future. Looking at the flame of the candle, ask the Virgin for help in search of the second half. Speak from the heart, and then the result will not take long.

Rite of Marriage with Honey in Pokrov Day

Ritual can be held only for this holiday. With his help, the girl can count on the fact that she will successfully marry. For his conduct, take a small jar of natural honey and at dawn say over him such a conspiracy to honey for a marriage in Pokrov:

"Honey sweet, honey aromatic, Make help and my sweet life yes happy! To marry was successful and fast, I will be a magical conspiracy. Let the groom find me soon and with him will take it. Let our life be sweet as honey will be. Amen!"

Every day in the morning before eating, there is a teaspoon of honey spelled. After meeting a worthy man, you can stop eating honey. Usually this happens in the coming months.

Popular ceremony for marriage to Pokrov

There is another ritual that a lonely girl can dream of meeting a chosen one. In advance it is necessary to sew or buy a tablecloth of linen. If desired, you can embroider a wedding ornament on it. On the eve of the holiday, the girl needs to bake a small loaf of rye flour. During cooking it is important to think about the future chosen one and the wedding. In the evening before the Pokrov we should cover the table with a linen tablecloth, put bread and say these words:

"My fiancé is my maiden, I'm betrothed, come and eat bread."

After this, do not remove the table and leave it until the morning. If everything was done right, then the girl should see her chosen one at night. It is believed that bread and tablecloth have a special energy. For example, a tablecloth is recommended for use at a future wedding, putting it under the festive decoration of the table. If a familiar boy dreamed of a dream, then it is necessary to treat him with baked bread, and in a pocket, unnoticed, put a thread from the tablecloth. Such manipulations will lead to the fact that he will have reciprocal feelings. If you could not meet the chosen one, then the bread should be divided into parts and distributed, mentally saying: "A couple . "