Is it possible to give a watch?

About the fact that some gifts to present to your friends are not only undesirable, but also dangerous, people have laid down many legends. Gifted by someone points lead to the fact that a person after that looks at the world with different eyes. Gloves - lead to a break in relations. Even you can find that with the help of a pen or a pencil given, you can control the hands of other people. If you argue in a similar way, you can not buy anything at all. Soon, even a vacuum cleaner or socks in the people will cause fear. But there are subjects that are afraid to present as a gift not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Let's talk about ordinary watches, around which there is also much controversy. Like mirrors, these objects have long been present in fairy tales and legends, where they are endowed with various magical properties. Is it possible to give a watch to a girl, relatives or co-workers without harming them at the same time?

Why not give a watch, and where was this sign born?

Most likely, this error led to the fact that different people are able to completely differently look at the usual things. Most of us see the clock as a convenient device, which helps not to be late for a date, work or other activities. Pessimists and melancholic people see in them almost the cause of irretrievably fleeting time. Accusing sometimes in all troubles harmless electronic or mechanical product (hourglass now except that in the museum you will meet).

The sign that it is impossible to give a watch is most likely born in China. Some people considered such a present an invitation to a funeral. Someone on the mind came to the idea that a simple device from now on will count down the time until his death. Others believe that the clock counts down the time left before separation from a loved one. Since then, the girls began to fear whether it is possible to give a watch to a loved one. Quite soon such prejudices quickly spread, and even reached Europe. To try to neutralize the curse, they even began to give a person who brought such a gift, a coin, as if buying a watch for a nominal fee.

What do watches give?

Each of us has our own ideas about such things, and it's better to treat people who are vulnerable and mystical people cautiously. Why give a watch to such a person, if he can take offense or start you unreasonably in something to suspect. It is better to buy in this case as a valuable gift household appliance or a set of dishes. The design of these products is so diverse that you can pick up the purchase for any occasion and for every taste. There are wristwatches with hearts that will suit the newlyweds, others, massive and solid - more like the tough businessmen. Very often before their fathers gave them to their sons for adulthood, the guys with the watch on their hands grew a bit older, and they were proud to receive such a gift. Some ancient watches traditionally passed from generation to generation, like a valuable relic.

Whether it is possible to give a watch for an anniversary or a name day, depends more on who you want to present them to. With the advent of mobile phones, many of us stopped wearing them on their hands, considering such an accurate device already a completely superfluous acquisition. But stylish expensive watches are above all an image. Gold watch, encrusted with pebbles, can perfectly serve for any lady as an ornament. The latest achievements in the field of electronics are able to present us with unexpected surprises. New life wrist watches got after they began to combine with smartphones. Such a product can already not only show time or date, but also electronic correspondence, messages, incoming calls, weather. The clock will not disappear from our life soon, and you can safely buy them as a gift to your relatives.