Gem in the bread maker - recipe

Jam is a favorite treat for many children and adults. In the bread maker it is cooked quickly and turns out very tasty. Original recipes for jam are waiting for you below.

The recipe for jam in the bread maker



Strawberry and cut off the tails. Put the berries in a saucepan from the bread maker and pour out a glass of sugar. For those who like sweets, you can add a little more sugar. In order for the color to turn bright, you need to add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, this will give the jam a beautiful appearance. Close the lid and select the desired mode. After the end of the program, the jam is ready, you can eat it at once, and you can leave it for the winter, for this we pour it into jars and put it in a cold place.

Apple jam in the bread maker



My apples, we cleanse the seeds, if the apples have rough skin - we clean and cut into thin slices. From the lemon squeeze the juice, on a fine grater you can grate the zest for odor.

We put apples in a bowl, pour out the juice and cover with sugar. Turn on and set the mode "Gem".

Gem, cooked in a bread maker can be used immediately. If you want to keep apple jam for the winter, then you need to pour into sterile jars, cover and store in the refrigerator.

Lemon jam in the bread maker



Lemons thoroughly rinsed and poured with boiling water for five minutes, then cut into slices and cleaned from the bones. We put it in a bread maker, fall asleep with sugar and add apple juice . Cooking jam in the appropriate mode until ready.

How to make apricot jam in a bread maker?



Apricot mine and take out the bones, put it in the bread maker and fall asleep with sugar. We select the program "Gem" and press "Start". Finished a delicacy to spread out on jars and store in a refrigerator.

Jams in a bread maker are best prepared from fresh fruits and berries, if you use frozen fruit, jam will turn out to be too liquid and will resemble syrup rather.

Orange jam in the bread maker



We'll peel the oranges from the peel, cut them into slices and lay out the breadmakers in the bowl. Then pour water into it, add sugar and citric acid, at the very end of the starch. The container should be shaken to ensure that all ingredients are mixed well. Put the bowl in the bread maker, select the "Gem" mode. After one hour, turn off the device and pour the ready jam on the jars.