How to teach a child to understand the time by the hour?

Little children almost from birth learn to understand what time of day, however, they do it, rather, intuitively. So, the crumb from the very early age gets used to the established regime of the day. At some point in time he already understands that soon he will eat, bathe or sleep. Meanwhile, the child is still completely unaware that it is necessary to go to bed at exactly ten o'clock. He just feels he wants to sleep, and does it around the time he's used to.

As soon as the child grows up, you will have to teach him to find out the time by the hour. This incredibly useful subject allows you to determine the time with high accuracy and navigate in it. Many parents face certain difficulties when they try to teach their son or daughter to use the clock, because to comprehend at once 2 numbering systems - from 1 to 12 and from 1 to 60 - for a child can be very difficult. In this article, we will tell you how to teach a child to understand the time by the clock, and what game is better for this than others.

How to teach a child to determine the time by the hour?

First of all, it is necessary to objectively assess whether there is any sense in such training. To do this, test your child for knowledge of numbers from 1 to 60 and their sequences, as well as multiplication tables by 5. It's quick to understand what is required of him, only that child who already believes confidently and, moreover, himself shows interest in such a thing as a clock.

Buy a large and bright watch without glass, so that the kid could touch the arrows with his hands. Explain to the son or daughter that the short arrow shows the clock, and the long one shows the minutes. Set the long arrow to 12 and do not move it. First, say loudly and clearly a certain time - one hour, two hours, three hours, and so on, and then demonstrate it on the clock with a short arrow. When the crumb is slightly oriented, ask him to do it with his pens.

Then, in the same way, study the minute hand, while setting the hour hand at 12 and not moving it during the training. Only after that go to the simultaneous manipulation of the two arrows, gradually complicating the tasks for the crumbs.

Teaching a child to know the time by the hour is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to wait for the moment when the kid himself will show interest and ask him to explain to him how this object is arranged. If your son or daughter is not interested in ordinary watches, prepare yourself an didactic game. To do this, on a large sheet of cardboard draw a circle and decorate it in the form of a clock with the help of bright colors, pencils or markers.

Also from the cardboard of different colors cut two arrows: large and small, as well as several geometric shapes, and draw on them numbers from 1 to 12. All children like to arrange the elements in the appropriate places. Invite the child to collect watches and do not forget during the game to explain what they are showing.