Hairstyles for school for teens

Who among us in his teens did not want to look especially? So, to go into the classroom, and everyone looks at you with admiring glances. Probably, everyone passes through this. And one of the ways to stand out is the hairstyle. And, the more insane the creation on the head, the better.

But do not forget that not all hair styles are suitable for school. And since the teenager is inextricably linked with the school, all the same we have to take into account her demands.

What are the requirements for a teenage school?

First, the hairstyle for teenagers should be stylish. Study by study, but also from fashion can not lag behind (we are not talking about the case when it becomes fashionable to go with the green Iroquois). Fashion can extend to the length of the hair, to their color. But everything is certainly within reasonable limits. Girls can straighten or vice versa twist their hair, no one has the right to forbid them to do so.

Secondly, a teenage hairdo to school should be easy in terms of styling. The schoolboy in the morning is sorely lacking time. And it is not very wise to spend a lot of time laying a complex hairstyle. Optimal, if the procedure for hair care in the morning and creating a hairstyle will take no more than 5 minutes.

Thirdly, it is worth paying attention to the bangs. She should not look into the eyes. If during a letter bangs will interfere with the review, then this can lead to a deterioration in the eyesight of the adolescent. An alternative may be a slanting bang, but with such an inclination that it does not interfere with the student.

And, finally, fourthly, the hairdress for teenagers should be simple and universal, or easily transformed from one style to another. Because it must fit both the school format, and for parties, and for ordinary walks.

Casual hairstyles for teens

We offer to consider several variants of stylish hairstyles, which are suitable for teenagers.

"Ponytail". Universal hairstyle, suitable for many occasions. The tail can be made both tight, and weaker (when the elastic band is at the neck level). Varied such a hairstyle can be a selection of elastics and hairpins, as well as the location of the "horse's tail" (top, bottom, side).

The spit. To many, such a hairstyle will seem boring and old-fashioned. But nothing prevents you from making it more modern. On the crook you can also pick up interesting elastic bands, braid the spikelets.

Kare. Very popular haircut among teenagers. It is just that universal option, suitable for all occasions. In addition, quads almost never go out of fashion.

Another common school hairdo for teenagers is a pebble . But it has one feature - it does not fit all styles of clothing, in contrast to the same "horse tail".

A special place among teenage hairstyles is occupied by hairstyles, which symbolize belonging to any youth subculture. We talk about such subcultures as emo, goth, punks and others. In this situation, it is very difficult for parents to influence the opinion of the child. They can only advise how to make a hairstyle for their teenager, but listen or not - the choice is for the teenager. Any violent interference, screaming, scandals and restrictions of freedoms will be taken with hostility, and the final result will not have any influence.

Let's note one more nuance. At a young age, you need to use as little as possible decorative tools for styling and modeling hair. This, firstly often looks vulgar, and secondly, the health and beauty of the hair should be taken care of in youth. Therefore, as a hairstyle for teenagers, it is better to choose a stylish haircut, rather than a complex styling.