Tablets from nausea

Nausea is an extremely unpleasant feeling. It occurs in the oral cavity, pharynx, along the esophagus and even in the stomach. For today in drugstores it is possible to see set of medical products which help to cope with such phenomenon. But before deciding which pill to drink from nausea, it is necessary to understand what caused this feeling.

Tablets from motion sickness and nausea

Very often there is nausea with a so called seasickness , because almost 1/3 of all people are affected by this painful condition. Most often, motion sickness occurs when flying on airplanes or helicopters, during pitching at sea and when traveling on land transport. And children can even get on the swing, on the swings, roundabouts and, when they dance, performing the elements of the spin.

In any of these cases, you can take pills from motion sickness and nausea. The best of them are:

  1. Dramina - slightly depress the central nervous system. Operate from 3 to 6 hours, take it 30 minutes before the trip. This remedy may have side effects, so they should not be taken to children under 1 year old, pregnant, lactating women and with certain heart conditions.
  2. Air-sea - excellent pills for nausea, which also reduces dizziness at various crossings. Take them at least an hour before the "start". You can repeat the reception every half hour after the trip, but do not eat more than 5 tablets per day. Forbidden to children under 3 years old.
  3. Kokkulin - eliminates all signs of motion sickness, without causing drowsiness. Take this remedy three times a day before the trip and the day of movement. Children under 3 years old are strictly prohibited.
  4. Bonin - chewing tablets from dizziness and nausea, well helping to cope with sea and air sickness.

Tablets from nausea in poisoning

Very often the feeling of nausea does not leave a person with food and alcohol poisoning. During such a painful condition you need to take such pills:

  1. Aeron - active substances contained in this drug, help to stop nausea and even vomiting. Do not take this medicine with prostate and glaucoma.
  2. Anestezin - pills for nausea with poisoning , which inhibit nerve impulses. That's why they can help get rid of such an unpleasant state. This drug can be given even to children under one year. They are usually taken for a day, but before using it is worth consulting with a doctor.

You can be very surprised, but the list of effective pills for nausea when poisoning is validol. All due to the fact that the main active substance of this drug is menthol, which removes reflex nausea. In the instructions to validol even there is a mention of this property of the drug. But since most people use it as a cardiac remedy, when nausea it is not consumed. And this is very in vain! Since successfully validate starts only a few minutes after resorption of the tablet.

Tablets from nausea after chemotherapy

Very often they do not know what to take tablets from nausea oncological patients. They have this unpleasant feeling due to the effects of chemotherapy on the vomiting center, which is located in the brain.

Usually, tablets from nausea after chemotherapy are taken on schedule, as long as this treatment process continues. But you can take an anti-emetic drug and only if necessary. This is decided by the attending physician. Most often in the presence of oncology, such tablets as Zofran or Ativan are prescribed.