Fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes and pepper - what is the best way to make top dressing?

A good harvest of vegetables can be obtained by selecting suitable seeds, preparing the soil and growing the seedlings. But at the same time, many truck farmers forget about fertilizing plants. And after all correctly used fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes and pepper will help to grow strong seedlings, will protect them and increase productivity.

Fertilizers for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers

All plants need different nutrients. Therefore, they need to be fed regularly. For the first time seedlings can be fertilized after the appearance of the first leaflets, then - 14 days after the picks . The third time they feed her about 2 weeks before the time comes to transplant plants to a permanent place. There are many different types of mineral and organic fertilizing , and it is not easy to choose the best fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers.

Fertilizer Baby for tomatoes and peppers

Some truck farmers, growing seedlings, successfully use liquid fertilizer Baby produced by the company Fasco. In the composition of this organomineral fertilizing there is no chlorine, but it contains such useful microelements that are well assimilated by plants:

This product is easily soluble in water, it is used at different stages of development of seedlings:

  1. Soaking in solution (30 ml of fertilizer per 0.5 l of water) accelerates the germination of the seeds.
  2. Watering with a dissolved fertilizer (10 ml in 1 liter of water) helps to strengthen the immunity of peppers and tomatoes.
  3. The product contributes to the development of the root system, this positively affects the growth of seedlings and the number of ovaries in the future.
  4. Feeding helps saplings to better tolerate various unfavorable climatic conditions.
  5. Improves soil structure.

Fertilizer Bogatyr for tomatoes and peppers

Another liquid organomineral fertilizing is the Bogatyr fertilizer produced by the Russian company Lama Peat. It contains substances necessary for plant development and micronutrients. Using fertilizer for seedlings Bogatyr, it is possible to spend 1 time in 2 weeks such top dressings of a tomato and peppers:

  1. Root feeding - to water the seedlings, dissolve 10 ml (2 caps) of this substance in 1 liter of water.
  2. Foliar top dressing - for spraying plants dissolve 5 ml (1 cap) of the drug in 1 liter of water.

Fertilizer Ideal for pepper and tomato seedlings

This top dressing is created on the basis of biogumos - the product of the vital activity of worms. In addition to this base, the Ideal fertilizer contains various trace elements that are vital for obtaining good vegetable seedlings. To carry out root top dressing with Ideal, it is necessary to dissolve 9-10 ml of the product in 1 liter of water. We water this solution with seedlings no more often than 1 time per decade. A solution for spraying is prepared in a ratio of 5 ml x 1 l.

Agricola fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes and pepper

Effective and high-quality fertilizer meets all environmental standards and is successfully applied for fertilizing vegetable seedlings. It should be remembered that this remedy, like any other fertilizer for seedling tomatoes and pepper, should be used only after moistening the soil. Agricola fertilizer has such advantages:

  1. It does not include heavy metals and chlorine.
  2. Has a balanced nutrient content.
  3. Regulates the acid composition of the soil.
  4. Fertilizer quickly penetrates into plants due to a special chelate easily digestible form and the presence of humic elements.
  5. Improves the growth rate, and strengthens the protective functions of seedlings.
  6. The drug is economical due to its high concentration.

Fertilizer Athlete for seedlings of tomatoes and pepper

Means for top dressing with this name will help to grow excellent seedlings of vegetables. Its mechanism of action is as follows:

  1. Does not allow the plants to stretch, regulating their growth.
  2. Promotes thickening of the stem.
  3. Redistributes nutrients, directing them not to the aerial part, but to the roots of the plant.

Fertilizer for seedlings The athlete can be bought in ampoules of 1.5 ml. Seedlings are treated with a remedy in the phase of three or four real leaflets. To spray plants, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in 1 liter of water. The effect is manifested after 3-4 treatments, which are carried out with an interval of 5-8 days. To carry out the root top dressing apply the same solution of this remedy, but water the seedlings only once. After a while a strong squat plant with a well-developed root system will form.

Fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes and pepper

Such complex fine-grained water-soluble top dressing contains all the necessary useful elements in the optimal ratio. These fertilizers for top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings contain up to 18% of humate. Before use, dissolve 0.5 tbsp. spoon the drug in 10 liters of water, and then pour the solution with sprouts. Experienced gardener advise to alternate leaf and root top dressing, and fertilize seedlings better in the morning.

New fertilizers for tomatoes and peppers

In the modern market there are constantly appearing more and more new best fertilizers for peppers and tomatoes:

  1. Reggae is a preparation with inhibitory properties. It slows the growth of seedlings and stops their stretching. Together with this, fertilizer for cultivation of seedlings of tomatoes and pepper stimulates the development of plant tissues and increases the thickness of their stems.
  2. Horti-Cote Plus is a fertilizer that was created specifically for seedlings. This clever complex universal top dressing controls the supply of nutrients depending on the degree of soil moisture and air temperature. With its application, the yield increases and the immunity of plants is strengthened.
  3. Plantafol is a combined fertilizer used for foliar application of tomato seedling and pepper. Increases the resistance of garden crops to changing weather conditions. Contains the whole complex of substances necessary for plants in easily digestible form.