Celery for weight loss

Celery is known since ancient times, it has always been highly valued for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. It improves the general tone of the body, enhances mental and physical activity. Also in the Middle Ages it was believed that it brings happiness and luck.

Celery is extremely useful for losing weight, especially because it is a product with a "negative" caloric value, that is, when it assimilates the body spends more energy than it receives. Celery also affects the metabolic rate and the breakdown of fats, due to the antioxidants contained in it, riboflavin, beta-carotene, flavonoids, B vitamins, potassium, zinc, iron and phosphorus.

Celery in dietary nutrition

Celery enhances the taste and smell of dishes and is low in calories. This makes him a "darling" of nutritionists who, as a rule, sacrifice taste qualities for the sake of making good diet plans for losing weight. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and restores strength.

Celery helps to digest food, stimulating the production of gastric juice. Nutritionists advise it as the best side dish for meat, because it promotes the breakdown of protein and the release of unfertilized fiber from the body, preventing the appearance of putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Celery greens for weight loss

You can consume celery while observing a diet for weight loss both in raw and cooked form. Celery is grown and three forms: leaf celery, petiolate and root. Also eaten celery seeds. In all its parts contain nicotinic and glutamic acid.

In leaves of vitamins A, C, K, chlorophyll much more than in other parts of the celery, they are more often used for salads. Celery celery is a source of fiber and riboflavin, phosphorus and potassium, so it is used in dietary cocktails and for making soups, salads and garnishes. In the root crop contains the greatest amount of minerals and essential oils. Raw celery for weight loss is certainly more useful, since many of the active substances contained in it, are destroyed by heating.

Celery for slimming tea

Tea made from celery has a diuretic and laxative properties, which means it speeds up the removal of toxins and toxins from the body, eliminates puffiness, and normalizes metabolism. It is best to drink this tea with lemon, mint and honey. If you add grated ginger, the tea will acquire blood and lymph drainage properties. It is preferable to drink tea warm, well brewed.

Application and contraindication

The juice of the celery root for weight loss is simply irreplaceable, taking only 2 teaspoons before eating, you will lose a couple of kilograms without observing any diet. If you mix it with carrot juice and add half a teaspoon of honey, the effect will increase significantly, the skin and hair will improve.

Celery is contraindicated in pregnant women, because in addition to substances effective for weight loss in the composition of its seeds, there are components that cause contraction of the uterus, which can provoke miscarriage. People with high acidity and with diseases of the stomach, it is better to use celery with caution.

Among other things, celery is an excellent antidepressant, so it will help you keep cheerful during any diet. Also, celery is one of the most famous aphrodisiacs, and in ancient Greece it was believed that it slows down the aging process and gives beauty, because of its magical properties.