Dimexide for hair

For cosmetic purposes, funds containing such a medical preparation as "dimexide" are often prescribed. But, despite its effectiveness, the expediency of using the means to this day causes controversy and disagreement. On the one hand, the use of dimexide for hair growth, as a component of nutrient masks, significantly increases the efficiency of the remaining ingredients. Also, hair treatment with dimexide has positive results with alopecia, alopecia, seborrhea. But on the other hand, if non-observance of precautions, as well as in violation of the permissible proportions, the use of dimexide for hair growth can have quite the opposite result, and lead to hair loss and skin burns.

But, as cosmetologists and trichologists themselves consider, the reasonable application of dimexide for hair growth is completely permissible, the main thing is to follow the recommendations.

Dimexide Properties

First of all, the use of dimexide for hair growth is based on its pharmacological properties. Affecting the cell membranes, dimexid penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, as well as provides transportation of related substances. This property of the drug is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. In combination with various components, it is effective to use dimexid from hair loss, to repair damaged hair, as well as to stimulate their growth. But it is worth noting that dimexide is a good conductor not only for useful components, but also for harmful substances. As you know, not only dirt and dust settles on the hair, but also all the substances that are present in the atmosphere. If you apply a mask with dimexid on dirty hair, then in addition to the mask components, all harmful substances that have settled on the surface of the scalp will penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, which can lead to a significant deterioration of the hair condition.

It should also be taken into account that it is recommended to use dimexid from hair loss only after consulting with a trichologist or a cosmetologist, since for the successful treatment it is necessary to establish the cause of the problem. Hair can fall out due to various diseases, beriberi, and in such cases complex treatment is required. Dimexide from hair loss is effective in cases when the problem is associated with the influence of external factors, as well as in complex treatment according to the appointment of a specialist.

Dimexide for hair growth

The effectiveness and safety of a mask for hair with dimexide primarily depends on compliance with the proportions. In 2004, a hair growth stimulant was patented, in which the following ratio of the components of the mask is given: three parts of burdock oil, castor oil, oil solutions of vitamins A, E and B6 are added to one part of dimexide. For example, for 1 tsp. Dimexide is added 3 tsp. castor oil, 3 tsp. burdock oil, 3 tsp. vitamin A, 3 tsp. vitamin E and 3 tsp. vitamin B6.

To prepare the mask, mix all components except dimexide, and heat up in a water bath to 40 ° C. In a warm mask, add Dimexide, and mix thoroughly. In order to neutralize the specific smell of dimexide in some recipes, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil suitable for your hair type.

During the application of the mask on the hair, it is necessary to mix the mixture from time to time, since the dimexide is quickly separated from the oil base. The mask should be evenly distributed over the surface of the scalp and along the length of the hair, after which it is necessary to put on the cap to keep the head warm. The mask should be applied for 60 minutes, 1-2 times a week.

In addition to the accuracy of the proportions, the following precautions should be observed:

Like any other medication, the use of dimexid involves following the instructions and observing the necessary recommendations. Remember, only with proper use of the drug can significantly improve the condition of hair and accelerate their growth.