Head massage for hair growth

Head massage has a beneficial effect on the hair due to improved circulation of the scalp and stimulation of hair follicles. Thus, the nutrition of the roots and the supply of oxygen to them is enhanced. Proper head massage, among other things, is able to relieve pain, relieve tension and sleep.

Head massage for rapid hair growth

Combing. The easiest way to perform this massage is with a comb. You just have to tilt your head forward and use a soft massage brush to draw from the roots of your hair to the tips 100 times against their growth. Then you need to straighten and comb the hair growth also 100 times.

Sipping. This kind of massage should be done carefully, so as not to damage the hair, although it is simple enough to perform:

Stroking. Massage is done by the pads of the fingers of both hands. The starting position is along the line of hair growth in the upper part of the forehead. Then you need to slowly, with a weak pressure, to hold your fingers on the skin of the head to the back of the neck, as if combing. To enhance the effect, you can do rotational movements with a stronger pressure.

Trituration. This technique does not require special skills. It is necessary to gently rub the scalp with your fingers in the direction from the forehead to the nape, circular and direct movements of the hands. If the massage is done before washing the hair, you can moisten your fingers in any cosmetic oil to provide bulbs with additional nutrition.

It is worth noting that a more sustainable effect will be achieved if special means are used during the massage:

With increased fat content of hair, it is possible to combine washing and head massage so that the sebaceous glands work normal and the hair stay clean for longer.

Head massage from hair loss

In this situation, it is necessary to study the technique of head massage and remember the massage lines by which the procedure will be performed. Otherwise, hair loss can greatly increase. The duration of such exposure to the scalp should not exceed 10-15 minutes.


  1. First you need to stretch the superciliary arches. To do this, the skin above the eyebrows is captured with the thumb and forefinger and lightly squeezed. It is necessary to start from the inner edge of the superciliary arches, move from the nose to the temples.
  2. Then you should do a forehead massage and the hairline of the head. It is necessary to perform spiraling movements with the tips of the fingers from the eyebrows to the border of growth of the bangs. In addition, a couple of minutes to massage the skin behind the ears.
  3. Now it is necessary to stroke the forehead with the surface of the palm with medium pressure. The skin should turn slightly red, but the pain does not appear.
  4. Divide the hair into the parting. With your fingertips make rotational movements during the parting, from the crown to the nape of the neck. After passing the entire length of the parting, you should likewise divide the hair 2-3 cm to the left or to the right and repeat the procedure. Thus, the entire scalp is massaged.
  5. After a gentle massage, you need to separate the hair again into the parting and press your fingers tightly against the scalp. Now it is necessary to shift the hairline intensively back and forth, together with the scalp. To process in this way the entire surface of the head.
  6. Put the right hand on the head, and the left hand on the back of the head. The right hand to make extensive
  7. circular movements counter-clockwise, while the left hand performs fixing functions.
  8. Cover your head with your hands in front and behind. Fingers should be maximally diluted. Now you need to reduce your hands towards each other, shifting the scalp during the movement of your fingers.
  9. After a scalp massage, you should definitely massage your neck.

Contraindications to head massage: