Cones of hops for hair

Hops for a long time has its strengthening properties for hair. In ancient Rome used it in the form of various tinctures, masks and other means. Despite the fact that hops are most often used for making beer , the strengthening mask from it turns out to be simply magnificent.

Cones of hops for hair

In order to use hops to strengthen hair, it is initially dried in the shade. This procedure is carried out exactly before the cones from the dryness begin to break. For convenience of use, hop cones are often pressed and stacked in compact containers. This way of preparing hops for use can be done at home.

Hops for hair is a kind of lifesaver, because its amazing properties have a positive effect. Hops have a therapeutic effect on hair follicles, thereby protecting them from excessive damage and loss. Various infusions of hops have a bacterial effect, which helps to destroy existing bacteria. There are cases when problem hair is so because of not healthy scalp. Then the oil of hops for hair, which has a soothing and bacterial effect, will be useful.

Hops - useful properties for hair

Extracts of hops and its infusions have long been widely used in cosmetology. Today, a large number of different hair masks are available on the basis of hops, rinses for the head, various creams and much more. Hops are used for hair with abundant hair loss and alopecia. To do this, you can use:

  1. A special broth (you can cook at home) for daily rinsing your head. Such treatment can be conducted in courses. Thanks to this decoction, if you are the owner of dark curls, your hair will acquire a beautiful shade. For this you need: 2 tbsp. l. cones are filled with 1 liter of water. The mixture becomes slow fire. 20 minutes are boiling. It is filtered.
  2. Masks for hair from hops, cooked at home or bought at a pharmacy. So, at home, you can prepare the following: 1 tbsp. Spoon the cones of hops with 1 cup boiling water. To cool. Then, this mask is rubbed into the scalp.
  3. Tincture of hop cones is rubbed externally into the roots of the hair. For cooking, take in the proportions 1:10 hop cones and water. Insist throughout the day.
  4. Oil based on hop cones to enhance hair growth. Before use, it is heated and only after that it is applied to the entire length.