Poor smear during pregnancy

With a normal current pregnancy in the vagina, the future mother has an increase in the number of epithelial cells, and the accumulation in them of a substance such as glycogen. This is the main substratum for growth and reproduction of lactobacilli, which form the basis of normal flora of every woman. Thanks to these microorganisms, an acidic medium is maintained, which is necessary to prevent the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms.

How is the vaginal flora assessed?

In the process of carrying a toddler a woman undergoes such a study as a smear on the flora of the vagina. It is with the help of his and can determine the state of the reproductive system, the presence or absence of pathogenic flora. So often as a result of a laboratory test, when a woman is pregnant, the doctor says that the smear is bad, without specifying anything more. Let's try to understand what doctors understand by this definition, and how much it is terrible when bearing the fetus.

What does "bad smear on the flora" mean in pregnancy?

A smear for bacterial inoculation with pregnancy comes at least twice for the entire period of bearing: 1 time - when registered in a women's consultation, 2 - for a period of 30 weeks.

So, in the norm, a smear on the flora during pregnancy is characterized as follows: the reaction of the environment is acidic, a large number of lactobacilli are in the field of vision, an insignificant content of the facultative flora is observed. Erythrocytes and leukocytes are absent or single.

With a bad smear, at a seemingly normal pregnancy, in its early stages, lactobacilli are practically absent, the analysis reveals a large number of gram-positive cocci or gram-negative rods, anaerobic bacteria. In this case, as a rule, the pH of the vaginal environment is shifted to the alkaline side, leukocytes appear, which indicate an inflammatory process in the reproductive system.

Any kind of bad smears during pregnancy require a second test to avoid the possibility of an incorrect result. Only after this is prescribed the necessary treatment.