Polidex with Phenylephrine

We are not used to treating the runny nose as a serious illness, so when complications arise, we often get lost in conjecture - why could this happen? In fact, the nose, which has been stored for longer than a week, is an occasion to consult a doctor. And if you are prescribed Polidex with Phenylephrine, a strong antibiotic with a hormonal anti-inflammatory component, then the situation is really serious and you can not refuse treatment.

Are there analogues of Polydex with Phenylephrine?

On the question of whether Polidex with Phenylephrine is an antibiotic or not, we will answer that the drug is not only a combined antibiotic, but also has a hormonal component that imposes certain restrictions on its use.

Polidex drops with phenylephrine are related to glucocorticoid preparations in combination. The main active substance of the drug is the strong anti-inflammatory hormone component Dexamethasone. With it, you can quickly remove the swelling of the mucosa and calm pain. Antibiotics Neomycin and Polymyxin B are included as an antibacterial component in the drug. They are considered to be very strong drugs that can destroy virtually the entire spectrum of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria . For the vasoconstrictive effect of Polydex is Phenylephrine.

This drug has no complete analogs in composition, but there are many combined medicines with the same effect:

Features of nasal spray use Polydexes with Phenylephrine

Polidex is used in cases when other means could not cope with the task. This drug - the last hope of those who for a long time fighting with such diseases as:

Sometimes Polidexa with Phenylephrine is prescribed at a genyantritis in a phase of an exacerbation when the illness becomes the reason of a strong inflammation of maxillary sinuses and there is a risk of development of complications, including a genyantritis.

Even less often used Polidexa with phenylephrine in adenoids, but children use this tool is not desirable. This is possible only in a situation where the benefits of treatment will exceed the possible risk ratio. The medicine has a lot of contraindications!

First of all, it should be said that in no case should it be taken by persons who are on the account of an endocrinologist. Any hormonal imbalance is the reason to refuse treatment with Polydex. Also, it is not recommended to use hypotonic drugs and people with diseases of excretory organs, especially kidneys. Caution is prescribed nasal spray and those who suffer from a closed-angle glaucoma. Absolute contraindication is therapy with MAO inhibitors.

Do not use Polidex for pregnant, breastfeeding mothers and children under 3 years of age. Children up to 14 years of age, the drug can be prescribed only in emergency situations.

As the main contraindication is the individual sensitivity to the components of drops, since cases of allergic reactions are quite common. Side effects Polydexes with phenylephrine are also expressed by the symptoms of allergy and general intoxication of the body:

Long-term use of this drug provokes weight gain. The drug can affect the results of the doping test.