How to take Nemosol?

The drug Nemozol is recommended to be taken as a primary remedy for worms. In its basis - albendazole - a substance that is very qualitatively coping with any diseases of the intestine. In the liver, the main component of the drug after a number of reactions is transformed into the sulfoxide of albendazole, which has a strong antihelminthic effect.

How does the drug work?

The mechanism of action of the drug is due to several basic processes:

  1. The drug suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms
  2. The drug destructs the cell membrane of helminths, which leads to their death.
  3. It inhibits the absorption of glucose by parasites.

How to take Nemosol in chewable tablets for prevention?

Chewable tablets in the composition have the same amount of active substance as those coated with a coating. The only difference is that some useful microelements and vitamins have been added. This kind of medicine can be used for prevention, only you need to determine the exact dosage.

The drug is considered to be the most effective for treatment:

Doctors prescribe Nemosol to patients who are sick with enterobiasis, ascariasis, teniosis and some other ailments. It is also prescribed for children suffering from Giardiasis .

How to take Nemosol correctly?

Depending on the nature and stage of the disease, specialists prescribe dosage and duration of treatment. The amount of the drug is calculated based on the patient's age and weight.

Virtually any drug in this group has side effects. In different organisms, any medications work in their own way, and this is quite normal. As in the case of Nemozol administration with pinworms: for one organism, an unsuitable amount of medicine will only do harm, while another dosage violation can go to the benefit.

The main side effects are: