Stomach cancer - causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis at all stages of the disease

Sometimes, digestive disorders indicate serious pathological changes in the internal organs. Malignant gastric cancer is one of the most common cancer diseases. Due to late diagnosis and rapid progression, it has very high mortality rates.

Stomach cancer - Species

There are several options for classifying the disease in question. Depending on the histological characteristics of the oncology of the stomach is divided into the following types of cancer:

According to the form of growth, stomach cancer is classified into the following types:

In accordance with changes in the surrounding mucous membranes, malignant tumors of the stomach can be:

The conventional classification of cancer (TNM) involves differentiation of pathology depending on 3 factors:

  1. Stage (T). Heaviness is estimated on a scale of 0 to 4.
  2. Presence of metastases in the lymph nodes (N). If they are absent, the value 0 is set, the heaviest indicator is 3.
  3. Infection with metastases of distant tissues and organs (M). 0 - if they are, 1 - when they are not.

Cancer of the stomach - causes

To establish exactly why certain cells undergo changes and become malignant until they succeed. Only predisposing factors are known in which a stomach tumor occurs more often:

Cancer of the stomach - symptoms

The signs of the described disease depend on its type, localization of pathological processes, their severity. The clinical picture corresponds to the stage of stomach cancer, the longer the disease progresses, the more pronounced its symptoms. In the early stages of development it is difficult to suspect the presence of a malignant tumor, so the presented ailment is more often diagnosed to a severe degree.

Cancer of the stomach - 1 stage

At the very onset of progression, a malignant tumor does not provoke any specific manifestations. Because of their banality or total absence, it is difficult to identify early gastric cancer - symptoms, the first signs of pathology are not associated with oncology. They resemble a gastritis or an ulcer, are often perceived as a temporary phenomenon caused by overeating or inaccuracies in the diet.

Symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages:

Cancer of the stomach - 2 stage

As the disease develops, its clinical picture intensifies, but at the present stage of progression it remains unspecific. Stomach cancer of mild severity is diagnosed primarily by accident. This occurs when routine examination of the digestive organs or after contacting the gastroenterologist with suspicion of peptic ulcer.

Possible signs of stomach cancer of the 2nd stage:

Stomach cancer - stage 3

With the average severity of oncological pathology, there are more specific signs that stimulate a person to consult a gastroenterologist. Gastric cancer - symptoms and manifestation of the tumor at the 3 stages of development:

Stomach cancer - Stage 4

At the last stage of progression, the clinical picture is evident on the background of processes of mucosal disintegration and growth of ulcerated surfaces. Oncology of the stomach - symptoms and signs of the disease at stage 4:

Often a complicated oncology of the stomach is diagnosed - the symptoms are supplemented with lesions of organs and tissues, into which metastases of the tumor have germinated. Such manifestations include:

How to check the stomach for oncology?

Detection of the tumor in the early stages is extremely rare, because people rarely go to the hospital for preventive examinations. The first signs of stomach cancer are either absent or non-specific, which is why they are often ignored. A reliable way of diagnosing oncological pathology is gastroscopy, which provides visualization of mucous membranes and the possibility of tissue biopsy. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the following studies:

Treatment of stomach cancer

The therapy of the disease in question depends on its stage and the severity of the symptoms. The main and only effective method of treatment is surgery, involving the partial or complete removal of the injured organ. If the metastases in stomach cancer sprouted into the nearby lymph nodes, they also undergo excision. Non-surgical methods of influence are used before and after surgical manipulations to facilitate removal of the tumor and destruction of the remaining pathological cells.

Chemotherapy for gastric cancer

The described treatment option exists in 2 types:

  1. Neoadjuvant. Chemotherapy is performed before surgery to reduce the size of the lesion and simplify its excision.
  2. Adjuvant. The drugs are administered after surgery so that the stomach cancer is not resumed, and the remaining cells that were mutated were destroyed.

Chemotherapy is often combined with radiotherapy, which is similarly performed the day before and after the operation. If palliative resection of the stomach was performed in oncology, the introduction of special medications and the use of ionizing radiation help to facilitate the life of the patient. This approach helps to eliminate or reduce pain, improve digestion, and prolong the life of a person.

Cancer of the stomach - operation

There are 2 options for surgical intervention to treat this pathology. Therapeutic operation for stomach cancer:

  1. Resection. Removal of a significant part of the organ affected by a malignant tumor. Such surgical intervention is distal, proximal and subtotal, depending on the area of ​​the stomach in which the cancer progresses.
  2. Gastrectomy. Removal of the whole organ. This type of operative manipulation is indicated in the late stages of progression of cancer. If metastases are present, the organs infected by them - lymph nodes, ovaries, spleen, liver (partially) and others are excised in parallel.

Diet with oncology of the stomach

Correctly organized diet contributes to the normalization of digestive processes and improvement of well-being. Even if the cancer of the operated stomach progresses, it is important to adhere to the curative menu. This helps slow the spread of metastases and tumor growth, prolong life a little.

Nutrition with oncology of the stomach completely excludes:

Permitted to use:

The diet requires several rules:

  1. Portions should be small, and food intake - frequent, up to 10 times a day.
  2. The temperature of the dishes is about 37 degrees.
  3. Food should be grinded or crushed in another way, thoroughly chewed.
  4. All products must be fresh.
  5. You can only cook food or cook it for a couple.
  6. Do not abuse salt, it is better to use the minimum amount.
  7. The fat content in the menu is about 30%, mostly of vegetable origin.

Stomach cancer - prognosis

In oncology, it is common to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and the chances of recovery within 5 years. How much they live with stomach cancer depends on the degree with which it was diagnosed, the form of pathology, the age of the patient and other factors. In accordance with the severity of the disease, the forecast is as follows: