Pruning of climbing roses for the winter

A gentle and graceful rose, a recognized queen of the garden, has many different kinds. So, for example, climbing roses are very popular in decorative gardening of personal plots, arbours, fences and fences. And that the graceful plant thanked you with a lot of bright buds on branching stems, he needs a decent care, and from year to year. Therefore, inexperienced gardeners often worry about whether it is possible to trim a stumpy rose. Let's figure it out.

Is it necessary to trim a stumpy rose for the winter?

In fact, climbing roses need this procedure for several reasons. First of all, this kind of garden queen needs shelter before the winter cold. Otherwise, the bush will simply freeze and will not be able to please you with flowering. But it is extremely difficult to cover an overgrown bush, which is why long branches need to be cut. In addition, pruning of climbing roses for the winter is a kind of sanitary treatment of plants.

How to clip a clinging rose for the winter?

First, we'll figure it out with the time of this procedure. Do not rush and take on the pruner in September. Wait for frost to reach -5 ° C. This will allow the plant to gradually harden and not die in the winter. When pruning in autumn, it is necessary to remove those branches that can cause harmful growth in the winter: for example, to be sources of infection for healthy stems. This, of course, shoots with black or brown spots, covered with mold or rust. Trim the broken and weakened shoots. It is recommended to remove the faded buds, not fallen leaves. Healthy stems shorten to 30 cm from the ground. This, by the way, the general rules for pruning stiff roses for the winter.

However, sticks are conventionally divided into 5 groups. And the methods of pruning are different for them. Therefore, when carrying out this necessary procedure, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their pruning.

The first group of climbing roses are varieties that bloom until mid-summer on the lateral basal shoots of last year (Excel, Dorothy Perkins). Moreover, these branches do not bloom again. Therefore, during the autumn pruning for the winter, they should be completely removed, so that in the spring, 2-3 new shoots appear in their place.

In the second group of climbing roses, flowering also occurs on the lateral stems of the last year, but new shoots appear less frequently. This conditional group can be attributed, in the first place, varieties Chaplins Pink and Alberti. Proceeding from this feature, with autumn pruning for the winter in the first year of life, long stems are cut completely. And in subsequent years, remove old stems only when new ones have appeared. Young shoots are cut at 10-15 cm, forming a horizontal growth of the bush. If the growth was not, the old basal stem should be shortened to a height of 35-40 cm.

The third group is adjoined by plants with long flexible branches, in which flowering occurs on the shoots of the current year (group of floribunda, tea-hybrid varieties). If we talk about how to trim such a stunted rose in the fall, then this is not difficult. It is necessary to shorten the faded shoots on the sides by 10-15 cm.

In the fourth group of pyramidal roses, the small stems grow vertically. When pruned for winter, several strong shoots are removed for symmetry of the bush, the remaining stems are shortened by 10-15 cm, and the faded shoots completely removed.

The fifth group of climbing roses includes itself vigorous (with shoots up to 6 m) variety: Banks, Rosafilips. For the winter, such plants do not shorten at all (if the winters are mild) or just like the sorts of the third group.

After the trimming, the climbing roses can be harvested for the winter: the stems are laid on the lapnick or fallen leaves and covered with a warming layer, and on top - with polyethylene film.