Ointment for skin allergy in adults

Hypersensitivity to irritating chemicals and food products often manifests itself in the form of various rashes. Ointment from an allergy on the skin in adults helps quickly to remove inflammation, swelling, redness and itching, greatly relieve the symptoms of the disease. In addition, local drugs accelerate the healing of ulcers and erosions, eliminate dryness and peeling.

Non-hormonal and natural ointments from skin allergies

Such medications are recommended for light reactions of hypersensitivity of the immune system, when the rash does not spread through the body and is localized in certain areas, or in the presence of contraindications to steroid components. Non-hormonal ointments are prescribed from allergies in adults on the face and eyes, lips, because the skin in these areas is too thin and delicate.

The best local preparations without steroids and glucocorticoids:

  1. Gystan. Biologically active agent based on plant extracts and oils, as well as betulin and dimethicone.
  2. Fenistil. An antihistamine drug with a local anesthetic effect, the active ingredient is dimethindene maleate.
  3. Elidel. The medication immediately removes inflammation due to the content of pimecrolimus.
  4. Skin-cap. The drug is based on activated zinc pyrithione with additional antifungal properties.
  5. Bepanten. A drug with a high concentration of panthenol. Analogues - Dexpanthenol, D-panthenol and others.
  6. Protopik. Ointment from atopic dermatitis. The active ingredient is tacrolimus.
  7. Desitin. Effective, but safe, based on zinc oxide and lanolin.
  8. Vundehil. Completely natural medicine with tinctures of sophora, yarrow, cotton napkin and propolis.
  9. La Cree. A medicinal product based on vegetable oils and extracts, contains panthenol.
  10. The Stelatopia. Skin softening drug with bioceramides, fatty acids, procholesterol and herbal extracts.
  11. Solcoseryl. Means for healing of damaged epidermis with hemoderovate from calves' blood.
  12. Radevit. Ointment based on concentrated retinol.
  13. Actovegin. The composition of the drug is similar to Solcoseryl.
  14. We'll see. Medication with a high content of vitamin A.
  15. Methyluracil. Excellent immunostimulant and activator of regeneration of skin cells.
  16. Kuriyozin. Anti-inflammatory drug with zinc hyaluronate.

List of strong ointments from allergies on the skin

Preparations without hormonal components and antibiotics are not effective enough. Especially with respect to severe allergic reactions with intolerable itching, intense reddening and rapidly growing swelling. In such cases, the use of more potent agents with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties is required.

Effective ointments for adults from skin allergies:

The effect of many of these drugs is enhanced by the inclusion of antibiotics, so some hormone-containing ointments from skin allergies are released with gentamycin, lincomycin, erythromycin, levomycetin and other antimicrobial components.