Hepatic tests

The liver is the most important organ, without which man could not exist. The liver participates in all metabolic processes, detoxifies toxins, participates in digestion. Assess the condition and functioning of this organ can be done by special analysis - the so-called hepatic blood tests.

What is a blood test for liver tests?

Hepatic tests are a complex of complex biochemical analyzes that allow to identify liver diseases (and bile ducts) in the concentration of certain substances contained in the blood. If, according to the results of liver tests, the amount of these substances is increased or decreased, this indicates a violation of the functioning of the body. Typically, a set of hepatic tests involves determining the concentrations of the following substances:

How to take liver tests?

Hepatic tests require some preparation for analysis, which consists in observing such rules:

  1. For two days before the analysis, refrain from increased physical exertion, alcohol intake, restrict consumption of spicy, fried and fatty foods.
  2. After the last meal, at least 8 hours must pass.
  3. To abolish medication for 1 to 2 weeks before the analysis (otherwise, inform the doctor of which drugs and dosage were used).

Hepatic tests - transcript

Let's consider what the results of analyzes with deviations from the norm in one direction or the other can say. It should be noted that in different laboratories the methods of conducting studies are different, and therefore the indicators of the norm of hepatic samples are not the same. In addition, when analyzing the analyzes, all the indicators in the complex are taken into account, taking into account the age, sex of the patient, concomitant diseases, complaints, etc.

  1. ALT - an enzyme produced by the liver, a small part of which normally goes to the blood. The norm of ALT for women is 35 units / l, for men - 50 units / liter. If the analysis shows an increase in ALT content 50 times or more, this may indicate an acute violation of hepatic perfusion, acute necrosis of hepatocytes, viral hepatitis. High ALT values ​​are observed with toxic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis , congestion in the liver, alcoholic liver damage.
  2. AST - an enzyme that enters the bloodstream as a result of cell destruction. The AST rule is the same as ALT. The level of AST, exceeding the norm of 20 - 50 times, is observed in viral hepatitis and liver diseases, accompanied by necrosis of the hepatic tissue. An increase in the AST content may also indicate damage to the heart muscle. To understand which organ is affected - the liver or the heart, if there is an increase in the number of AST and ALT, the ratio AST / ALT - de Ritis coefficient (norm 0.8 - 1) is used. An increase in the coefficient indicates heart disease, and a decrease refers to the pathology of the liver.
  3. GTT is an enzyme, the increase of which is observed with all liver diseases: hepatitis of different etiology, cholestasis, alcoholic liver damage, etc. Normal GTT for men - 2 - 55 units / l, for women - 4 - 38 units / liter.
  4. AP is an enzyme involved in the transfer of phosphorus. The norm of the APF is 30 - 120 units / liter. An increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase may indicate hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic tissue necrosis, hepatocarcinoma, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis , parasitic liver lesions, etc. Also, a moderate increase in this enzyme in the blood can be physiological - during pregnancy and after menopause.
  5. Albumin is an important transport protein synthesized by the liver. Its norm is 38 - 48 g / l. The albumin level decreases with cirrhosis, liver inflammation, cancer or benign liver tumors. An increase in albumin occurs with loss of the liquid part of the blood (fever, diarrhea), as well as with injuries and burns.
  6. Bilirubin - one of the components of bile, is formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin. An increase in the level of bilirubin may indicate liver failure, blockage of bile ducts, toxic liver damage, acute and chronic hepatitis, etc.

Norms of bilirubin: