Diffuse neurodermatitis

Chronic disease, which occurs with periodic relapses and remissions, is called diffuse neurodermatitis. There are no exact reasons for this pathology, it is supposed that genetic predisposition and propensity to allergic reactions contribute to its development.

Diffuse neurodermatitis - symptoms and treatment

The disease can occur at any age, with time changing clinical manifestations, weakening and increasing depending on the emotional and physical condition of the patient.

Symptoms of diffuse neurodermatitis in adults:

Atopic dermatitis or diffuse neurodermatitis requires a long-term complex treatment, which is made depending on the individual characteristics of a person, the presence of any internal diseases, the functioning of the endocrine system, the state of metabolism.

The main scheme of therapy includes adherence to a diet with a restriction of the daily amount of salt and carbohydrates, as well as slightly reduced caloric content. In addition, it is important to adhere to the daily routine, to give time to moderate physical activity.

Diffuse neurodermatitis - treatment with medicines

It is recommended to use such groups of medicines: