Medication Mexidol

Meksidol is recognized as one of the best medicines in the field of neurology, surgery and narcology. It has a wide range of applications: from vegetative-vascular dystonia to cerebral circulatory disorders ( stroke ).

Development of this drug began in the far 80-ies of the last century. Medication Mexidol was first synthesized in the Institute of Pharmacology, RAMS. Since then, the drug has been actively developed. By 2003, its creators received the Government of the Russian Federation Prize for the creation and introduction of medicines Mexidol into medical practice.

Indications for the use of tablets Mexidol

Most often the medicine Mexidol is used for:

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor depending on the disease. Most often, Mexidol is used in combination with other drugs.

Side effects of Meksidol

The following side effects are seen in Mexidol:

An important feature of Mexidol is that it is not addictive and can be canceled at any time. The only side effect of Methadol in case of an overdose is drowsiness. Therefore, the drug is not recommended for use during activities that require special concentration of attention. For example, driving a car.

Apparently, from all of the above, the drug Mexidol is low-toxic and does not have a lot of side effects. Therefore, the drug is safe for almost all groups of people.

Contra-indications Meksidol

Nevertheless, Mexidol, like any other drug, has a number of contraindications. Among them, individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Before using Mexidol, it is advisable to pass a series of tests to identify allergic reactions. In addition, the drug Mexidol is contraindicated in people who suffer from kidney or liver disease. For example, inflammation of the kidneys or any form of hepatitis.

Also, the drug is not recommended for use by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. The possibility of taking Mexidol medication by such patients should be considered by the physician on an individual basis.

It is worth noting that when using the drug should pay attention to blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure from taking Methidol for a while you will have to give up. First, it is better to perform a series of procedures to normalize the pressure.

Mexidol and alcohol

The drug Mexidol does not belong to the group of antibiotics, so when it is taken it is allowed to drink alcohol. Although undesirable.

Moreover, one of the areas of application of this medicines just struggle against an alcoholism and accompanying to it an abstinence syndrome.

By the way, in this area the drug is considered one of the best. He removes toxins formed from the intake of alcohol and stops the emerging abstinence syndrome.

With alcoholism, the duration of treatment with Mexidol usually lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. Doctors do not recommend cutting the course abruptly. It is desirable to gradually reduce the daily dosage of the drug. In the end, leading to its complete abolition.