Drugs for the treatment of throats in adults

Various viruses and bacterial infections very often cause the appearance of sore throat. It is also one of the main symptoms of allergies and delivers a lot of trouble with angina. But using various drugs to treat the throat in adults, you can quickly stop it.

Antiseptics for the treatment of throat

Antiseptics are antimicrobials used topically in case of throat disease in adults. They will help:

Almost all antiseptics are sold without a prescription in any pharmacy. Such medicines for the treatment of the throat in adults are represented by sprays, tablets, lozenges, lozenges, rinsing solutions. The best of them are:

Combined throat remedies

If it is necessary to simultaneously eliminate pain in the throat and suppress the harmful microflora, it is necessary to use combined medicines. They contain a variety of antiseptic substances and anesthetics. They are produced in the form of solutions for rinses, troches, aerosols and tablets.

The most effective drugs in this group for treating the throat in adults are:

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of throat

With sore throat in adults, caused by the flu virus, antiviral drugs help. Such drugs are prescribed for pharyngitis or laryngitis of a viral origin. They will not allow the causative agent of the disease to actively multiply and penetrate into other organs and tissues, causing complications. They are released mainly in the form of tablets.

Antiviral drugs for treating the throat in adults are divided into several groups:

Antibiotics for throat treatment

Antibiotics are the most effective drugs for bacterial angina. Only with their help can prevent severe complications of the disease. Suppress the reproduction of pathogens of angina semisynthetic and "protected" penicillins. These include such drugs: